hello team,
I'd like to know what should be a status of EST service for P-PAN, S-PAN, PSN and MNT if "Certificate Authority" is enabled for the deployment on the P-PAN. So far I haven't seen any documentation that talks about it. My understanding is, EST and CA services should be running on all the nodes except MNT.
The only way I know to verify this is, root into /opt/CSCOcpm/config/node-config.rc & check whether ENABLE_CA is 0 or 1. If it is 0 and service is DISABLED then its an expected behavior. I'm looking for a better way to understand this as customer doesn't want to enable root access.
For my customer deployment ISE 2.1 ( Toggling the CA service on PAN didn't help)
S-PAN : CA and EST running
P-PAN : CA and EST Disabled.