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Upgrade cisco prime 3.4 to 3.7

Nadia Bbz
Level 1
Level 1

Dear Team ;


i'm looking for any experience , upgrading PI3.4 to PI 3.7 (Physical Appliance)

what the best recommendation to do it , it's the first time that i do it

anyone here has done this upgrade , any suggestion 

Thanks in advance

22 Replies 22


 - If these backups are still important copy them to external repository and then delete them from the PI-appliance, then try the upgrade again.


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

Hi @marce1000 


but i haven't this backup in defautlRepo


dir disk:/defaultRepo

Directory of disk:/defaultRepo
4519816219 Sep 14 2020 15:10:24 PI-Upgrade-31x_32x_33x_34x_to_3.

Usage for disk: filesystem
13254324224 bytes total used
238737891328 bytes free
265477738496 bytes available


ade # cd /localdisk/defaultRepo/
ade # ls -lh
total 4.3G
-rw-rw-r--. 1 prime gadmin 4.3G Sep 14 15:10 PI-Upgrade-31x_32x_33x_34x_to_3.
ade #


 - It must be hampering the upgrade and is located somewhere ; to find out - become root on  the appliance as was also shown to remove the logwatch files, then run the command, as root updatedb. Then use the locate command followed by one of the long-backup-filenames to find their 'native-linux-location' on the appliance , then you also have the option to transfer/remove them from the appliance which simpler means such as ftp and or scp.  rm command can then be used to remove them from the particular directory.


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '


to find out - become root on  the appliance as was also shown to remove the logwatch files, then run the command, as root updatedb. Then use the locate command followed by one of the long-backup-filenames to find their 'native-linux-location' on the appliance , then you also have the option to transfer/remove them from the appliance which simpler means such as ftp and or scp.  rm command can then be used to remove them from the particular directory.

1st. become root..... no explanation how to.
2nd remove logwatch files, where, how cli commands?
3rd run updatedb from root?
4th locate command, we don't have that until root is achieved.
All of this is predicated on becoming root, as you say. Please guide us to getting root, before the other commands can be accomplished.
I haven't figured out how to be root. Be specific, not everyone has your experiences in linux OS. Do you stop NCS, is there a sudo command, we don't know.
Not all of us are SME experts in linux, PI, or Oracle, we would love exact steps in how to fix our stuff. Be overly specific when you can, it will document "how to" for everyone else and people won't bug you nearly as much.

If you spend some time being very detailed in your instructions, it will echo throughout time, as no one will ask these dumb questions again. I only have 35 years in this business and am not going to say "build a MARIADB" without specific instructions, I wasted 3 weeks figuring out that, "Simple step". 

What is a simple task to you, is a huge learning curve for most of us. Anyone with less experience than you, in your field, based on your explanation, cannot pull this off.

Nadia Bbz
Level 1
Level 1


thanks so much for your help , i greatly appreciate it

after removing the backup , the upgrade work successfully




 - Great !


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '


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