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Forum Posts

Hi,Many times i have come across with my customers that does cisco has a product which can measure internet bandwidth in following ways.a) internet bandwidth used by users b)Online montoring of bandwidth management.c) To allocate internet bandwidth u...

Resolved! ASA 5520

I have an ASA 5520 and the senior engineer wants me to make a login account through CLI that the helpdesk can use just to view but not make any changes.Can i do this or do i have to use the ASDM software.Thanks in advance and have a great day

Hi,I have a Pix515E with 6.3 images. I want to connect two ISP with that PIX, at my PIX default route is specified towards the ISP1 and as per the policy I can not put default route at PIX and at the same time my client should get the internet.Suppos...

Hello I have two ASA 5510 in active standby configuration and it workes quite fine. When a failover occures, the secondary unit keeps active, even if the primary is healthy again. Is it possible, to *automatically* make the primary the active one, if...

idsgmbh by Level 1
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Hi All,Has anyone ever setup their ASA to log to an external server what traffic is going flowing thorough access-lists?I dont want to have to analyse the traffic with capture as i would prefer to let the logs build up over a couple of weeks. I want...

In the following doc: 150 is not clear. In the example, they have test for local networks and for remote. I am not sure what is tes...

pvald by Level 1
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I seem to recall having some issues with this a while back (like 5 years ago) and am curious if this is still an obstacle when configure on a ASA 5520.The ISP has given me a block of 8 IP addresses. Is there any trouble with PATing the IP addresses ...