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Good Day everyoneI have this situation:A core switch 3550, with 4 VLANs, connected to PIX through a dedicated VLAN.All the clients in each VLAN could ping the inside interface of the PIX, but when they want to browse the internet they couldn't I thin...

samerhj by Level 1
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we hav rwan 1.3 and acl 1.5. Does this supposed to support PIX 515? If it is, what are the minimum command I must configure on the pix. I already have the SNMP-server host XXXXSNMP-server community publicthanks a lot

rpalacio by Level 1
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hello,we installed LMS 2.2 and along with the managed device is the pix 515. It says on the SNMP section of the pix the it supports at least the GET command..Isnt this is all I need to have to enable LMS to view at least the configuration of the fire...

rpalacio by Level 1
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Hi, We have two main sites with a PIX515 in each site. Both Inside interfaces are on the backbone OSPF area (0) & the Outside Interfaces are in different OSPF areas (51 & 53). The two sites are connected together by our internal network on the Inside...

My scenario is My PIX has 5 five interface. Interface E0 connect "Router Main" Interface E1 connect "Router Partner" Interface E3 connect "Server Zone" Interface E4 connect "Client Zone". My problem is "Router Partner" take care network

adul by Level 1
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This really shouldn't be giving me this much trouble...This morning I started seeing hundreds of the following log entry (destination port number differs, but the rest is the same):Deny udp src outside:ns1_isp/53 dst inside:pix_ext/xxxxx by access-gr...

I have recently installed a PIX 501 at my company. The pix is active and working perfectly for about ten miniutes. After that all communicationon to the internet is stopped. When I console into the PIX I can ping the router and the rest of the net, b...

admin_2 by Level 3
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I have 2 Internet connections via 2 different routers and 2 different ISPs. One is significantly faster than the other. I would like to setup the faster link to be the primary Internet connection and then autmotically failover to the slower link wh...

tech by Level 1
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On most competitors deivces, you can express an ACL entry as a URL in addition to expressing it as an IP address, and have the URL entry resolved via DNS (on the firewall).For example, if I want to permit access to FTP.NAI.COM, which has 4 possible d...

scotthale by Level 1
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We have a PIX 515 FOS 6.3(3 with three interfaces We need a few of the workstations in the DMZ to be able to login(domain) to a DC in the trusted inside interface of the pix (higher security level)Any pointers on how to set this up would be deeply a...

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