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deploy a docker container in k8s cluster from nso6.1 image

Level 1
Level 1

Hi ,I am trying to deploy a docker container in k8s cluster from "nso-6.1.container-image-prod.linux.x86_64.tar". I downloaded this image from cisco. I performed these steps : docker load -i nso-6.1.container-image-prod.linux.x86_64.tar.gz , docker run -itd --name nso-testing2 -p 50130:4334 -p 50131:80 -p 50132:8888 -p 50133:830 -p 50134:4570 -p 50135:443 -p 50136:22  cisco-nso-prod:6.1

so once I perform those commands the container is up and running but I am not able to access the UI or not able to ssh.

Please suggest what is wrong and how to deploy the container successfully ?

Attached the nso guide , please refer page no - 168 for clarity.

attaching screenshot.image.png



14 Replies 14

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

How are you trying to access the UI and SSH? You need to use the ports exposed, for example port 50026 to reach the container's SSH port (22) and port 50021 to reach the UI port (80).

Hi, you can see in the attached image the 50021 is exposes to 80 , hence I should be able to reach the UI with this url- but not able to reach. Also not able to ssh with 50026. attaching the screen shot.image.png

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Great, then you are using the correct port. Can you access the interactive shell on the running container?

docker exec -itnso-testing2 bash

Yes I am able to access the interactive shell and i am able to access ncs console. But not able to access from browser.image.png

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Ok, are the ports open? 

ss -lnt | grep 22
netstat -lnt | grep 22 

 (Not sure if we use ss or netstat). Maybe check the logs to see if there is anything suspicious? I'm thinking of ncs.log and devel.log especially.

Hi, Seems the ports are open. please find attached screen shot and also attaching ncs and devel logs.


please lead me to the correct direction if I am missing something.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Is that in the container or on the docker host?

The netstat command is performed on docker server but ncs,log and devel.log are from running containers.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Can you check the open ports in the container too? And if you find nothing, check the ncs.conf settings for CLI and Webui?

Look if we're doing, we need to change that to in that case.

Hi, Please find the details below - 

ipnauser@lab-k8s-cluster1-05:~$ docker port bde0282ced02
4334/tcp ->
4334/tcp -> :::49184
443/tcp ->
443/tcp -> :::49186
4570/tcp ->
4570/tcp -> :::49183
80/tcp ->
80/tcp -> :::49187
830/tcp ->
830/tcp -> :::49185
8888/tcp ->
8888/tcp -> :::49182
22/tcp ->
22/tcp -> :::49188

ipnauser@lab-k8s-cluster1-05:~$ docker exec -it bde0282ced02 bash
[root@bde0282ced02 /]# ls
Python-3.11.2.tgz boot dev home lib64 lost+found mnt opt root srv templates usr
bin defaults etc lib log media nso proc run sbin sys tmp var
[root@bde0282ced02 /]# cd /etc/ncs/
[root@bde0282ced02 ncs]# ls
ipc_access ncs.conf ncs.crypto_keys post-ncs-start.d pre-ncs-start.d ssh ssl
[root@bde0282ced02 ncs]# cat ncs.conf
<!-- -*- nxml -*- -->
<!-- Example configuration file for ncs. -->

<ncs-config xmlns="">

<!-- NCS can be configured to restrict access for incoming connections -->
<!-- to the IPC listener sockets. The access check requires that -->
<!-- connecting clients prove possession of a shared secret. -->

<!-- Where to look for .fxs and snmp .bin files to load -->


<!-- To disable northbound snmp altogether -->
<!-- comment out the path below -->

<!-- Plug and play scripting -->



<!-- This is the builtin stream used by NCS to generate northbound -->
<!-- notifications whenever the alarm table is changed. -->
<!-- See tailf-ncs-alarms.yang -->
<!-- If you are not interested in NCS northbound netconf notifications -->
<!-- remove this item since it does consume some CPU -->
<description>NCS alarms according to tailf-ncs-alarms.yang</description>

<!-- This is the builtin stream used by NCS to generate northbound -->
<!-- notifications for internal events. -->
<!-- See tailf-ncs-devices.yang -->
<!-- Required for cluster mode. -->
<description>NCS event according to tailf-ncs-devices.yang</description>

<!-- This is the builtin stream used by NCS to generate northbound -->
<!-- notifications for kicker events. -->
<!-- See tailf-kicker.yang -->
<description>NCS event according to tailf-kicker.yang</description>

<!-- This is the builtin stream used by NCS to generate northbound -->
<!-- notifications forwarded from devices. -->
<!-- See tailf-event-forwarding.yang -->
<description>NCS events forwarded from devices</description>

<!-- This is the builtin stream used by NCS to generate northbound -->
<!-- notifications for service state changes. -->
<!-- See tailf-ncs-plan.yang and tailf-ncs-services.yang -->
<description>Service state changes according to
tailf-ncs-plan.yang and tailf-ncs-services.yang

<!-- Where the database (and init XML) files are kept -->
<!-- Always bring in the good system defaults -->

These keys are used to encrypt values of the types
tailf:des3-cbc-encrypted-string, tailf:aes-cfb-128-encrypted-string
and tailf:aes-256-cfb-128-encrypted-string.
For a deployment install it is highly recommended to change
these numbers to something random (done by NCS "system install")









<!-- This log is disabled by default if ncs is installed using -->
<!-- the 'system-install' flag. It consumes a lot of CPU power -->
<!-- to have this log turned on, OTOH it is the best tool to -->
<!-- debug must expressions in YANG models -->





<!-- Depending on OS - and also depending on user requirements -->
<!-- the pam service value value must be tuned. -->




<!-- Hash algorithm used when setting leafs of type ianach:crypt-hash, -->
<!-- e.g. /aaa/authentication/users/user/password -->

<!-- Disable this for performance critical applications, enabling -->
<!-- rollbacks means additional disk IO for each transaction -->


<!-- Use the builtin SSH server -->

<prompt1>\u@ncs> </prompt1>
<prompt2>\u@ncs% </prompt2>

<c-prompt1>\u@ncs# </c-prompt1>
<c-prompt2>\u@ncs(\m)# </c-prompt2>


<!-- <ha-primary-listen> -->
<!-- <ip></ip> -->
<!-- <port>28888</port> -->
<!-- </ha-primary-listen> -->




<!-- <ha-primary-listen> -->
<!-- <ip></ip> -->
<!-- <port>22022</port> -->
<!-- </ha-primary-listen> -->



<!-- <ha> -->
<!-- <enabled>true</enabled> -->
<!-- </ha> -->

<!-- Make sure that debug tools can be made visible. -->

<!-- Override parameters in the submodules of the tailf-ncs.yang module,
preventing setting of those parameters via northbound interfaces
from having any effect, even if the NACM access rules allow it. -->




[root@bde0282ced02 ncs]#

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The "docker port" command lists the mapping for the container, but doesn't say anything about the status of those ports in the running container.

Can you run the netstat/ss commands in the running container? 

docker exec -it <container>
$ ss -lnt | grep 22

or if that fails:

docker exec -it <container>
$ netstat -lnt | grep 22

According to the ncs.conf, the webui is configured to listen on port 8080 so change the port mapping of the container to point to 8080 instead of port 80. 

docker exec .... -p 50531:8080 ... 

[root@bde0282ced02 /]# ss -lnt | grep 22
[root@bde0282ced02 /]# netstat -lnt | grep 22
bash: netstat: command not found

ipnauser@lab-k8s-cluster1-05:~$ docker run -itd --name ciso-nso667 -v /data/nso:/nso -v /data/nso/etc:/etc/ncs -v /data/nso-logs:/log -p 50001:4334 -p 50002:8080 -p 50003:8888 -p 50004:830 -p 50005:4570 -p 50006:443 -p 50007:22 cisco-nso-prod:6.1
ipnauser@lab-k8s-cluster1-05:~$ docker ps -a
19340e1be5dd cisco-nso-prod:6.1 "/" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds (health: starting) 80/tcp,>22/tcp, :::50007->22/tcp,>443/tcp, :::50006->443/tcp,>830/tcp, :::50004->830/tcp,>4334/tcp, :::50001->4334/tcp,>4570/tcp, :::50005->4570/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::50002->8080/tcp,>8888/tcp, :::50003->8888/tcp ciso-nso667

Still not able to access from browserimage.png

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Right, there's no SSH-server installed so there's no one listening on that port in the container. You can install that yourself if you need it.

And as for port 80, no one listening on that either because the default port is 8080. Here you can change the port mapping as I suggested earlier or you can change the ncs.conf.

If you want you can use another ncs.conf you can mount in an ncs.conf using "-v" with docker.

Mount the ncs.conf you want to use into /etc/ncs/ncs.conf or /nso/etc/ncs.conf.

Note that there is an example that does not mount ncs.conf or share a volume with the docker host. See If the docker image is loaded, just run the "./". Please have a look at the README for details.