08-23-2021 10:20 PM - edited 08-24-2021 05:10 AM
Hi, Team
Pls share the way to get output of 'show devices list' command via restconf. Output mast include all fieds (NAME/ADDRESS/ DESCRIPTION/NED/ID/ADMIN STATE)
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-24-2021 06:05 AM
RESTCONF has a "fields" query parameter that you can use to restrict the returned output, as shown in the example below:
curl -k -u tcragg -X GET "https://localhost:8888/restconf/data/tailf-ncs:devices/device?fields=name;address;device-type/generic/ned-id;state/admin-state" Enter host password for user 'tcragg': <device xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs" xmlns:ncs="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs"> <name>hs3-inf-v-fmc01</name> <address></address> <device-type> <generic> <ned-id xmlns:cisco-fmc-gen-1.5="http://tail-f.com/ns/ned-id/cisco-fmc-gen-1.5">cisco-fmc-gen-1.5:cisco-fmc-gen-1.5</ned-id> </generic> </device-type> <state> <admin-state>unlocked</admin-state> </state> </device>
For the ned-id, the path to filter on will vary based on whether the device type is generic, cli or restconf.
08-24-2021 02:23 AM
@vyacheslav.seregin1 should be able to do this with the following URI GET request.
{ "tailf-ncs:device": [ { "name": "core-rtr01", "address": "", "ssh": { "host-key-verification": "none" }, "authgroup": "labadmin", "device-type": { "cli": { "ned-id": "cisco-iosxr-cli-7.32:cisco-iosxr-cli-7.32", "protocol": "telnet" } }, "commit-queue": { "queue-length": 0 }, "active-settings": { "connect-timeout": 20, "read-timeout": 20, "write-timeout": 20, "ssh-keep-alive": { "interval": 20, "count": 3 }, "ned-keep-alive": { "count": 3 }, "connect-retries": { "attempts": 0, "timeout": 3 }, "trace": "false", "trace-output": "file", "ned-settings": { "use-junos-rollback": false }, "commit-queue": { "enabled-by-default": false }, "session-pool": { "idle-time": 30 }, "no-overwrite": { "enabled-by-default": false }, "lsa": { "no-overwrite": { "enabled-by-default": false } }, "out-of-sync-commit-behaviour": "reject" }, "state": { "oper-state": "disabled", "oper-state-error-tag": "noconnection", "admin-state": "unlocked" }, "config": { "ietf-yang-library:yang-library": { "module-set": [ { 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This you can get this and more RESTCONF NSO details in the Postman collection HERE
Hope this helps.
08-24-2021 05:09 AM
Hi, @bigevilbeard, thanks for your reply! Suggested request return full configuration of devices, but i need only whese fields.
<device xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs" xmlns:ncs="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<device-type xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<netconf xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<ned-id xmlns:juniper-junos-nc-4.6="http://tail-f.com/ns/ned-id/juniper-junos-nc-4.6">juniper-junos-nc-4.6:juniper-junos-nc-4.6</ned-id>
Data obtained from request may be filtered to get only desired fields?
08-24-2021 05:27 AM
@vyacheslav.seregin1 yes - as this is presented in JSON in the example I showed you can filter/parse with for loop in Python.
Hope this helps.
08-24-2021 06:05 AM
RESTCONF has a "fields" query parameter that you can use to restrict the returned output, as shown in the example below:
curl -k -u tcragg -X GET "https://localhost:8888/restconf/data/tailf-ncs:devices/device?fields=name;address;device-type/generic/ned-id;state/admin-state" Enter host password for user 'tcragg': <device xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs" xmlns:ncs="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs"> <name>hs3-inf-v-fmc01</name> <address></address> <device-type> <generic> <ned-id xmlns:cisco-fmc-gen-1.5="http://tail-f.com/ns/ned-id/cisco-fmc-gen-1.5">cisco-fmc-gen-1.5:cisco-fmc-gen-1.5</ned-id> </generic> </device-type> <state> <admin-state>unlocked</admin-state> </state> </device>
For the ned-id, the path to filter on will vary based on whether the device type is generic, cli or restconf.
08-24-2021 09:20 PM
@tcragg1 thanks, i looked for exactly that! Just one thing, field values have to be quoted.
curl -u admin -X GET -H "Accept: application/yang-data+json"'name;address;device-type/generic/ned-id;device-type/netconf/ned-id;state/admin-state'
05-11-2023 11:27 PM - edited 05-11-2023 11:29 PM
i get following error even for 60 devices
<errors xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf">
<error-message>too many instances: 628</error-message>
05-11-2023 11:32 PM
Figured out ,was missing the headers
-H "Accept: application/yang-data+json"
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