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Send char string from Unix app to CTIManager

Level 1
Level 1

Is it possible to set up a call & direct it to the agents phone from a UNIX box by sending CTIManager a character string rather than via TAPI/JTAPI ??

If so, where do I find inforamtion on how to do it - CCO concentrates on TAPI really.



6 Replies 6


I have yet to see any information about the CTIManager. I doubt that's a component Cisco wants us to mess with.

Though, JTAPI is Java based and Java comes from the Unix world. It might come with an .exe installer, but install that on a Windows box, then move the class files (actually it's just a jar file containing all the cisco packages) over to your unix box and you're all set. Needless to say that JTAPI will work just fine on platforms such as Solaris.

Thanks Stephan,

Cisco does not have a version of the jview makecall application which runs on a non-windows box. Where could I find a simple test script to call from the Unix box command line that invokes the Cisco jtapi ?

This is proof of concept for a propective IPT customer & I'm no java developer !

All help much appreciated,


If you have access to Cisco's Developer Support program, check out the TAPI/JTAPI section for the "Cisco JTAPI Sample Application - XSI Device Data Pass Through Sample" link, which will allow you to download a JTAPI sample app.

This sample app pushes a service to the phone, which demonstrates JTAPI's interaction with a device. It can be easily modified to make a call, if that's what you're looking for.

hmm.. how about if you recompile the app on your Unix platform (what is it btw? Solaris?)? I must admit I haven't looked at the GUI parts because I'm not interested in them (I'm only writing software that runs on a server and it doesn't do anything visually), but the rest does not seem to be platform dependant.

What kind of errors are you getting when running makecall anyway? And what about the jtracer?


Thanks for all your helpful feedback.

I was doing my prep ready for going to site to test this on the customer's (HP) Unix box, so haven't seen the error that gets thrown (makecall not being supported I gathered from CCO - "Jtrace and makeCall make use of the Microsoft Windows MFC and will not run under the Sun JDK.")

I'm now going to check out the developer's site & grab the sample code that Aaron mentioned.

Thanks again,


"Jtrace and makeCall make use of the Microsoft Windows MFC and will not run under the Sun JDK."

Hmm.. I think that's old info. I checked out all the source files for those two applications, and I see that certain imports have been commented out. As it is now, those two apps don't make reference to any Microsoft classes but the standard Java and JTAPI classes, plus some Cisco extensions (non GUI stuff). And the app GUIs themselves are based on standard AWT which is also available in Sun's JDK. In fact, even tough I'm using Windows, I'm obviously using the Sun JDK as I think most other people do here (Microsoft has canned their Java implementation a while back).

I had a look at the readme of the latest JTAPI which mentions:

The sample apps JTrace and makecall will run under MSJVM (jview) as well as SUN JDK 1.3 (java). JTPrefs is an application which provides a user interface to setting the jtapi.ini parameters is however a Windows only application. JTprefs can be used to create the jtapi.ini file if one does not exisit and modify the trace settings.

The CCM 4.1 JTAPI even has a pure Java JTPrefs app (there's no exe anymore, it's a batchfile that launches a java class).

I've just recently upgraded to CCM4.1 so I can confirm that the CCM4.0 JTAPI also works with the Sun JDK (I've used both Java 1.4 and Java 1.5).

Obviously, since both applications are GUI based, you need to run X11 on your Unix server, but other than that I think they should work just fine..