01-30-2005 06:05 AM - edited 03-13-2019 07:50 AM
Folks. I have a CCM 3.3(2) here and upgraded it to th OS Image 2000-2-6 and the sr 7. But the Windows and QFEcheck still shows the server as if it had the SP3. But during all these upgrades the service pack 4 should has been installed. Now I have some problems for installing some program which require SP4... Does anyone have any idea about how to solve this?
01-30-2005 06:33 AM
I'd suggest that you check the OS upgrade logs to see if you can find out why the installation has failed...
01-30-2005 01:23 PM
Right click on My Computer, then properties. Does it say Service Pack 4 there?
Under c:\utils, run mcsver.exe (or start -> Cisco OS version) and does it say 2000.2-6sr7 as OS Update?
What program are you trying to install?
01-30-2005 05:58 PM
No. on the properties it says Service Pack 3 but on the mcsver I see the OS 2000-2-6sr7.
I´m trying to install the BARS.
I checked the Updates Installation Logs and I didn´t find any notice of failure.
01-30-2005 07:09 PM
Hmm. Thats interesting and odd.
In MCSVer, what does OS Upgrade entry say?
01-31-2005 09:04 AM
It says 2000.2.6
Thanks for trying to helping me out here!!!
01-31-2005 03:55 PM
What version of BARS are you trying to install? Have you tried BARS 4.06 which came out in past week or so?
02-01-2005 04:14 AM
Yes. This is exactly the version I'm trying to install.
02-01-2005 11:51 AM
The win-OS-Upgrade-K9.2000-2-6-Readme base upgrade doc talks about verifying after install, and says that if the QFEcheck does not show Service Pack 4, then phase 2 of 3 did not finish, and directs you to go look at the installation log at C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cisco\Logs\mscosupg.log, as suggested by Aaron earlier, to see where it failed. They have a troubleshooting section in that readme to address a few different situations, depending what you find. I would pull that doc, and follow those steps.
Mary Beth
02-02-2005 03:37 AM
Thanks for the message Mary Beth.
The problem is that once it has the 2000-2-5 OS Image it will not go through the 3 steps. Only two of them skiping the SP4 Installation.
When this problem hapenned on the other OS Image installation I went through the log file and diod all that they recommended but nothing solved it. I had even opened a case on CISCO but They said it wasn't a problem however I'm not able to install the BARS because it searches for the SP4.
02-02-2005 04:42 AM
You mean that you have 2000-2-5 on, then run 2000-2-6 and it doesn't run the SP4 install?
Seems like a major oversight if I understand you correctly and it is true...
However you may be able to trick the install into running fully by editing your registry... I do this to get the OS Upgrades to install on non-Cisco hardware for lab purposes, although I've not tried it in your situation the idea is the same...
In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Spirian\System Info\ of your registry, you will find a series of keys.. There will probably be one OS Image, and an OS Upgrade.
The OS image should have a value underneath of version=2000.x.x (whichever version your original disk set put on).
Ther OS upgrade should have the current version of OS upgrade you have on your system - this would be set to 2000.2.6 if you've run the upgrade. Previously it would be 2000.2.5.
You could try setting this to a lower value than 2000.2.5 (try 2000.2.4) to see if all the steps then run.
Alternatively try this: when you initially run the OS upgrade, it extracts to a temp directory. Before the upgrade starts it presents you with a screen where you can exit... If you quit the program here, there should be a c:\mcsosupg directory, within which you will find an imageupd.inf file.
This file lists all the updates performed by the upgrade. You will see if you open it with notepad that near the top in a section called [Version] there are two entries OS, and Express1. From your description of the problem it looks like this entry (set to 2000.2.5) is what controls the skipping of sections 2 and 3.
I would change this to Express1=2000.2.7, and run the upgrade by double clicking the executable in this directory (c:\mcsosupg), not the original downloaded file as this will overwrite your changes. This should fool this install into running fully.
Then run the current service release for 2000.2.6.
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