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Understanding Jabber in CUWL and UCL Licensing

Andy Solomon
Level 1
Level 1

I have the following license questions based on the Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing Ordering Guide dated June 2015 and located at:


With regard to the chart found on document page 3 of 19:


  •     What Jabber client and capability is offered by “Cisco Jabber IM & Presence?”
  •          What Jabber client and capability is offered by “Cisco Jabber UC?”
  •          What is the difference for Cisco Jabber UC between “CPE & Hosted” and just the check mark?
  •         Does Cisco Jabber UC consume a device count?
  •         What is required (client and device count) to provide Click 2 Call for a phone? 

Thank you very much!


6 Replies 6

Manish Gogna
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi AS,

You may check table 1 and table 2 of the following link


If i have a user with Jabber UC on windows and phone, i need UCL Enhanced Plus? if i have a user with Jabber UC on Windows and on Smartphone and phone, i need UWL?

Hi AS,

Maximum Number Of Devices Per User

The Essential, Basic, and Enhanced UCL licenses support users with one associated device, where the user's id is entered in the OwnerUserId field of one device. The Enhanced Plus UCL license supports users with two associated devices. UWL Standard and UWL Premium support users with three and up to ten associated devices.

Number of Devices Per User

When a user is associated to one device - where their userid is found in only one device configuration OwnerUserID field. When a user is associated to more than one device, then higher level licenses are required independent of device type.

If UserA is assigned OwnerUserID for two devices, then one Enhanced Plus license is required for both the user and the two associated devices. If UserA is assigned OwnerUserID for more than two devices, then one UWL Standard license is required. UserA can be assigned up to ten devices with one UWL Standard license. If more than ten devices are assigned to one user, then the user requires one UWL Standard license and also requires an additional license for the additional device.

So, yes if you will associating three devices with the user i.e., Jabber for Windows, SmartPhone and Phone, you will need UWL Standard license .In case, if the user will just be using Jabber UC on windows and phone, then one UCL Enhanced Plus license is good enough

Also, refer to below link which has a very good explanation on License Calculation:




Thank you for your detailed reply.

To clarify my question, I'm asking the following:

Given: That an Enhanced license supports one device,Jabber IM, and Jabber UC

Question: Can I use an Enhanced License with one phone device, and use Jabber to control the phone and activate THE PHONE with Click 2 Call?

Thank you,


Hi Deepak,

Did you get finaly your answer ? I have same question about Click to call for windows controling the phone. 


Cisco licensing complexity borders on a level of stupidity that is impressive.  Can you imagine trying to make it more difficult?  This is simply the licensing of the product - not the design, implementation, management or troubleshooting of a technology.  Clients should revolt.