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6509 Need to force interfaces to always be up

Level 1
Level 1

I am looking for the command that will always force an interface on a 6509 to appear as up. This is regardless of a cable is plugged in or not. Thanks for the help in advance

7 Replies 7

Level 4
Level 4

Hi, for CatOs or IOS.

For IOS try "no keepalive" under the interface.



Thanks for the help, this is with the IOS. No luck with that command. I ran the command and still got a interface not connected.

The logical vlan interfaces coming up only when there is an active port depend on a feature called 'autostate'. I know it can be disabled in the Hybrid mode but am not really sure whether it can be disabled in the Native IOS mode or not. In Catalyst 4500s there is a hidden command 'autostate disable' and you can try if it works on the 6500. Maybe someone having access to internal Cisco documentation can shed some more light on the matter.

In IOS based switches, autostate is not supported. It is not supported in 4500 switches either.

You must have meant disabling it is not supported ... right? There is an article on the Cisco website talking about a hidden command in some 4500 IOS versions that one can use to disable the autostate feature. Since it is a hidden command i am assuming it is not supported but as far as the autostate feature is concerned i think it is be default enabled in all IOS based switches.

I can't configure autostate disable global or under the interface on cat4500 with sup2+.

I used ios cat4000-i9k2s-mz.121-20.EW2.bin.

Do you have ever tried or could you give me the http-link for this hidden cmd?

best regards


My bad, It is only for Cat 4500s with an L3 module installed in them. I do not think it will work with the SupII+. Here is a link to this information:

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