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What features would you like to see in the next release of VSM?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all,

While discussing features requests for VSM 7.(next) with members of TAC and the BU, it dawned on me that we are missing a fantastic opportunity here by not asking our partners and customers what is on your wish list of "I really wish VSM 7 had this cool feature."  Yes, Cisco like many companies does invite partners and customers to focus group events to discuss what the company and product is doing right and where we could improve, but it would be a shame to miss asking the active community here on the CSC forums - so here's your chance.

If you have an idea how we can improve the product, please reply to this thread and post your suggestions.  Tell us what features you love, which ones you hate, how we can improve those features which already exist, and then give us your best pie in the sky wish list of, "Gee, if only it could do this!"

I promise you that this thread will be read by and discussed by TAC engineers and BU marketing and development - and I will go a step further and promise to champion those improvements which seem reachable within the upcoming product development cycle and see how far we can push this product.

I hope to hear from you,

Jim Firanzi              

32 Replies 32

Hi Jim, Please add me to the webex as well. I echo what Scott1, Scott2, Cory and Vance say here.



Add me to the Webex List as well.

That 64bit IE functionality is very helpful!

Although I can never garauntee my own availability that far out, I would like being included in this focus group as well if possible.


Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

Hey Scott,

It just wouldn't be the same without you...!  Added.



Hi Jim, please, include me in the discussion webex. Regrds

Level 1
Level 1

We need the mobile app for ipad and iphone.  All of our schools are giving much heat over this issue.

We have feedback from customers that upgraded indicating that the "skin" of VSOM 7.0 seems incomplete in that there is text links instead of buttons.  Customers that have seen Genetec or OnSSi indicate that the GUI for same is more preferable - sleek looking.  Is there anything slated to dress up the face of VSOM 7?

Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6

Well... I had an epiphany a few moments ago...

  • Some form of VSOM "survivability" mode in the event of a temporary WAN failure.

We have certain clients that are mulling a move to centralize on a core VSOM instance, but their (and our) primary concern is remote site functionality in the event of a WAN failure (VSM is used for... "process monitoring" shall we say) and is very critical for them.

If the client(s) (I.E. and SASD based) had some minimal functionality that could ... coast along on perhaps cached information in the event of WAN failure, I think everyone would feel much more at ease.


Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web:

My arm has been twisted. Count me in the webex also.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

I have a problem with the bulk actions. When you select cameras and process the action that you want to do, the cameras you selected stay checked. So if you are going to do more actions, you need to uncheck those cameras first, otherwise, your actions will apply to the origanlly checked cameras as well.

I'd like to have the ability to grant or deny viewing rights per camera as I was able to do in VSOM 6.3

I'd like to have the rotating views only switch one pane at a time instead of all the panes at the same time.

- Danny

Level 1
Level 1


Template are a major feature for large amount of cameras.

I would like to have:

Same user will not be able to log in into the system multiples times, to control the access to the system (required by my customer).

Support for external storage other than Cisco long term storage.

Support for DWF files for map editor.


Level 1
Level 1

Thank you all for the great response!

The hottest issues to date seem to be a request for:

1.  Better clipping via the forensic search, easier time/date selection for clips

2.  VSOM redundancy

3.  Mobile client support (outside of IPICS) for both Android (#1) and Apple.

4.  More granular roles/rights assignable to individual endpoints and archive/live video access

5.  Better event notification functionality (port other than 25, URL triggers

6.  Additional browser support other than IE (Chrome?)

7.  More PTZ controls (trackball, mouse zoom via scroll wheel)

8.  Cleaner SASD and VSOM interface, no more links without buttons)


Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to add our input for the next release of VSM.  As I watched Google's I/O on Wednesday they talked about VP9 video compression which is royalty-free open source technology with higher quality video and uses 50% of the bandwidth compared to H.264.  Their example reduced the steaming video from 8.2 Mbits to 3.0 Mbits and file size from 325 mb to only 125 mb.  Are there any plans to incorporate this with the Cisco cameras?




#9 - Add Thumbnail Seach capability to SASD. That is a powerfull tool, and would nicely complement all the rich featurs already included in SASD.


Level 1
Level 1


#10 - Multicast support between SASD and MS and/or Cameras,

#11 -Configuration of VSOM operation like MS/Cameras/template creation operation should be less complex.. There are many inputbox, dropdownbox like name, multicast IP address, location etc.

#12 - There should be a DHCP service on VSOM optionaly via your config and maintainance pages,

#13 - There may be a UPnP capabilitiy about adding cameras to the systems not by manually only.. Like onvif's search and hello and probe activities,

Thanks for now..


Scott Olsen
Level 6
Level 6

Thought of some more....

# 14(?)  - Native payload encryption at the application layer!  As far as I'm aware, the video payload data from the proxy streams is still unencrypted, at least, it certainly seems to be on a packet capture.

#15 - When are we going to see the ability to leverage the full capabilities of the endpoint cameras.  Specifically, the ability to use GPIO relays as part of an event setup.  I have numerous clients requesting this capability.

Scott Olsen Solutions Specialist Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Web: