Policy & Access Control

Reduce risk by setting and enforcing policies and app access.
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I have installed duo authentication successfully on Linux VM's. When we ssh to the server, we get a password prompt and a duo push notification on our cell phone. However, when we login to the server from the vCenter console, we get a duo push notifi...

AhsanK by Level 1
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I installed duo security on windows 10 and it works correctly - when the windows lock screen appears i type password and duo pops, all correctly.On the other computer (11 home 10 enterprise) on the 11, nothing happening. I dont see the windows login ...

I just wanted to know if there were other organizations that are facing similar issues with the MFA requirement for CJI assessing devices. https://www.police1.com/cybersecurity/3-ways-to-meet-the-new-cjis-mfa-requirementsWe have a department trying t...

I am trying to create a policy so when admin accounts login to a windows computer, since they have elevated privileges, MFA is required, but when all other users login, it's not required. We already have them required to login over VPN. When I create...

itsupport by Level 1
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Hi,   I was wondering if someone can explain the Risk based profile acceptance (allowed) and timeframe; I'll explain, in doing Immpossible travel testing the first time I dit it was testing from a VPN through Norway after just logging in from Canada....

bjames by Level 5
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