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Dyanmic Call Studio Element Name for CVP Reporting Server

Gerry O'Rourke

Anyone know if its possible to dyanmic change the element Name of a CVP Call Studio Element?

e.g. the CVP reporting server can report counts and exit states of the application and elements.

(you can filter so you only report on certain applications and elements - to reduce the data collected).


We use a simple CVP Call Studio Element for many different scripts and I would like to be able to use this script but use the inbuilt CVP reporting capablity to report what users selected - but I need a different name of the element depending on the use case.


We already pass in the menu prompts and if we could pass in an additional variable to be used as part of the call studio element name - this woudl then appear in the CVP Reporting Database.


e.g. the element is a standard Menu Element.


If I could pass the session variable from ICM into CVP VXML - Call Studio App and then within the app use this variable as a prefix (or suffix) the Element Name.



ICM Script: application=myCVPapp;wav=salesmenu.wav;element-suffix=Sales

CVP Call Studio element : Menu_Sales


ICM Script: application=myCVPapp;wav=claimsmenu.wav;element-suffix=Claims

CVP Call Studio element : Menu_Claims


I know I could achieve this by other methods - but it would be much more intensive on the database, as I would have to link to each call.






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