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RV042G Problem to save new UPnP rule

Ryan Hendriks
Level 1
Level 1
Firmware v4.2.3.07 (Oct 8 2015 15:29:55

I have created a new service with TCP port 8007 to 80 in the service management under UPnp section.

I already have three rules active there.

But if I create the rule then with the IP address linked to it and enable it and after that I save it, it gives me a blank Cisco screen.

I cannot refresh it without login again, if I press back I have to re-add this rule but after the save again blank screen.

Even after a restart of the router it won't work to create a new UPnP rule.

I can add forwarding rules but that's not what I need right now because I need to configure it with another internal port number.

What can I try more without the factory reset? I use the latest available firmware which I have found. v4.2.3.07 (2015)

5 Replies 5

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Ryan,

I too am having the same problem as you with the same router (v01) and same firmware. After months of googling to no avail, I think I found a solution. Being a web developer myself, this is obviously a bug with the built-in web-server for the router's GUI.

I tried everything from compatibility mode, to just about every browser, and fiddled with the html code using firebug. So heres the problem, when you ADD a new CUSTOM service, and then attempt to add it to the list below, it brings you to a blank cisco page. As a matter of fact, for me, even adding one of the default services brings me to a blank page. This started happening after about 3 years of daily use. Now, even factory reset to an older firmware version does not make it work.

One thing I noticed, when you are on the blank page, you can go to the URL bar and press ENTER with the URL still there, and it will bring you back to the UPNP page and process your request, but only if you add a built-in service it will work, IT WILL NOT WORK with CUSTOM service.

Interestingly enough, after days and days of trying just about everything possible, I noticed sometimes, some custom services will go through, mind you, there is no avoiding the blank page. It will ALWAYS happen, but if you press ENTER at the URL bar with the URL it shows you, it WILL go to the next page.

So, to make it short, for me, what makes custom services work and lets them be added and enabled, is to add a DUMMY custom service ALWAYS AT THE END OF YOUR CUSTOM SERVICES LIST.

For example, say you want to enable port 8000, ADD the service for 8000, then after that ADD another service with a useless port, you do not have to enable it, just add it to the end of the list. It seems like the web configuration will not ALLOW the LAST service on the list to be added at all, but you can add the one above the last one. Doing this is how I have been getting by and adding services to the UPNP list. Remember, you will always get the blank page, just press ENTER on the URL bar and your request will go through properly, well, at least this works for me, same router, same problem same firmware.

The URL should look something like https://IP.IP.IP.IP/adv_upnp.htm

I hope this helps you out, I registered here only to reply to your problem because I too had a very hard time with this and I hope other people out there experiencing the same problem can solve this using above method. Cisco is clearly not interested in fixing this problem.

Hello Kenny,

thank you very much for this information.

I will try this out and I hope Cisco will open a ticket to solve this in their GUI webinterface.

I'll let you know if it helps.

Best regards,


Milan Milanov
Level 1
Level 1

Hello Ryan,

I am really sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing with your RV042G.

What I suggest is that you give us a call at:

so we can open up a ticket, make a remote session and confirm if it's a bug and/or if there is any workaround for it.

Kind regards,

Milan Milanov

Level 1
Level 1

Have you solved this?

I've found what's causing the problem. It's a malformed javascript that appears after you save a new upnp rule (only if you have added custom services in service manager, and even If you haven't used it)

Line 379 and 380 adv_upnp.htm

document.write('ERROR Code 6, Catergory UPNP_FORWARDING


and thats all...  that causes a javascript error and que page wont load.

The only solution I've found is to use something like firebug to change blocked default services parameters to my needs.

My router is a rv082 v4.2.3.07 fw

Hope there's a solution.


I have not solved this and I hope Cisco will do something about it.

It looks like they just leave it as it is.

Why should I need to call them, I described my problem, they can test themselves and look for a solution.

Why don't they create their own ticket and work on it?

I'm very disappointed in their way of answering and solvings, what is this forum for? I guess only for users who can give their own oppinions and solutions to eachother.

Cisco should take their responsibilities and update the firmware for us.