I am designing a network for low-bandwidth communication - resilience is in favor over performance.
Customer has their own fibres between sites.
Redundancy based on Layer 3 routing. this is a quite small network, with around 2 core switches, 2 distribution switches, 5 access switches with need for redundant connection to distribution switches, and ~30 access switches that does not have need for redundant links to distribution.
- Core based on Cat9500 (with stackwise virtual)
- Distribution based on cat9300,
- Access based on IE3300 (for switches with need for redundant links to dist = Layer3), and IE3100 for switches with no need for redundant uplinks.
Now I need advise for OSPF config - do you see any issues in defining this as one single Area 0 with this low number of switches? And do you have any other
Simpel topology as as shown below - all links as L3, unless those notes as L2 (no all access switches are shown in drawing)

Thanks in advance