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ASR920 Service Instance Applying Traffic Shapping

Level 1
Level 1



Im new to the ASR920 service instance but would like to know if anyone has done traffic policing on a service interface. Scenario is multiple service instances servicing multiple downstream clients configured on a physical interface. I would like to shape a downstream cust to an specific 20Mbps pipe.


I had alook at the limited docs on this.


I tried using a ACL with my policy map but every time i try and add it either to the physical port or the service instance i get the error.


Match named access-list is not supported for this interface


here is a configure snip:


 class-map Client1
 match access-group name Client1
 ip access-list ext Client1
 permit ip any host X.X.X.X
 policy-map Service_Inst1
 class Client1
 police cir 20000000


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
 service instance 1 ethernet
  description Client 1
  encapsulation dot1q 1999
  rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
 bridge-domain 1000

policy-map output Service_Inst1


 interface BDI1000
 description Internet Gateway
 ip vrf forwarding ISP
 ip address X.X.X.X


Is this scenario possible?






6 Replies 6

Level 1
Level 1


As QoS ACLs are supported only for ingress traffic in ASR920 , separate Ingress policy-map and Egress Policy-map need to be configured along with separate Ingress and Egress Class-maps respectively



as far as I recall, you have to configure a service group, add the policy to the service group, and then add the service group to the service instance. In your case, the whole thing would look like this:


class-map Client1
match access-group name Client1
ip access-list ext Client1
permit ip any host X.X.X.X
policy-map Service_Inst1
class Client1
police cir 20000000
class class-default
service-group 1
service-policy output Service_Inst1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
no ip address
negotiation auto
service instance 1 ethernet
description Client 1
encapsulation dot1q 1999
group 1
rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
bridge-domain 1000

didn't work for me. are you sure it works for you? is this a working configuration?

What exactly is not working ? Can you add the configuration sample I posted, or do the commands get rejected ?


Also, which IOS version are you running ?

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The link you posted has this.  Appears shaping and policing may fall under the same restriction in this case.

Restrictions for Port-Shaper and LLQ in the Presence of EFPs

  • If you configure port level shaper with the policy applied at EFP level then port shaper does not work. However, 3 level HQoS policy with port and logical shaper can be applied at the EFP level. Logical shaper configured at logical level does work but port shaper does not work.


  • If you configure a class-based policy on the port, then you cannot configure service-policies on Ethernet Flow Points (EFPs).


  • Attaching a service policy to the BDI is not supported.


  • ACL based shaping policy-map cannot be applied to the EFP and/or egress interface.


  • Usage of bandwidth remaining percentage (BRP) in the absence of priority class, allocates the available bandwidth in an iterative way. For example, the bandwidth is allocated for the first BRP class as per the percentage of share configured in the respective class-map and the remaining bandwidth is iteratively allocated to all other BRP classes until the bandwidth is exhausted.

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