i have one query releated to OSPF forward address for external routes some times its (FA) some time its next-hop ip address i read few docs on cisco there they stated few conditions on the basis of that FA decide is it NON zero or zero FA address
here are conditions:--
These conditions set the forwarding address field to a non-zero address:
- OSPF is enabled on the ASBR's next hop interface AND
- ASBR's next hop interface is non-passive under OSPF AND
- ASBR's next hop interface is not point-to-point AND
- ASBR's next hop interface is not point-to-multipoint AND
- ASBR's next hop interface address falls under the network range specified in the router ospf command.
now my question is why P2P or P2Multipoint links has Forward address why such concept they have for P2P or P2M link........ hope i get answer with proper explanation ..............