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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hey everyone!  We are pleased to announce the release of Cisco Stealthwatch 6.9.0, which includes a variety of features to improve network visibility, security and response across the entire network.  These new enhancements include:

New Web Interface capabilities and improvements –

Stealthwatch 6.9.0 offers an improved the user experience within the Stealthwatch Management Console by allowing the user to view large tables or graphical output quickly and easily.

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Enhancements include:

  1. New Alarming Hosts pane view which shows the number of hosts that have alarmed today for each alarm category with 7 day trends
  2. The Top Alarming Hosts widget allows you to see at a glance a prioritized list of hosts by order of severity
  3. Top Reports provides quick access to top applications, port protocols, etc
  4. Host Group reporting with interactive graphing of traffic summary and top application traffic

Improved Security Events and Alarm Documentation

Provides improved visibility, security and response because it accelerates time to detection with enhanced reporting and alarm functionality that enables:

  • Improved ability to control alarm policies by adding directional control of the policies
  • Enhanced system security category model for prioritization of detected security events
  • Improved security events and alarm documentation for better correlation between security events and traffic flows. 

Common & Shared Services

Centralized management and configuration of the UDP Director within the Stealthwatch Management Console.

Enhanced Integration with the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)

Enhanced integration with ISE leveraging the Platform Exchange Grid (pXGrid) for both telemetry and remediation, leading to more accurate augmentation of visibility into user information.  Also included is support for the Identity Services Engine Passive Identity Concentrator facilitating augmentation of user information without requiring ISE to directly authenticate users or control access to the network.

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How do you feel about this announcement?  What questions do you have?  Let us know by replying to this post and ask our Stealthwatch experts!

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