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Aleksandar Vidakovic
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

BFD Support on Cisco ASR 9000



In both Enterprise and Service Provider networks, the convergence of business-critical applications onto a common IP infrastructure is becoming more common. Given the criticality of the data, these networks are typically constructed with a high degree of redundancy. While such redundancy is desirable, its effectiveness is dependant upon the ability of individual network devices to quickly detect failures and reroute traffic to an alternate path.


This detection is now typically accomplished via hardware detection mechanisms. However, the signals from these mechanisms are not always conveyed directly to the upper protocol layers. When the hardware mechanisms do not exist (eg: Ethernet) or when the signaling does not reach the upper protocol layers, the protocols must rely on their much slower strategies to detect failures. The detection times in existing protocols are typically equal to or greater than one second, and sometimes much longer. For some applications, this is too long to be useful.


1. The Problem With Convergence

The process of network convergence can be broken up into a set of discreet events:

  • Failure detection: the speed with which a device on the network can detect and react to a failure of one of its own components, or the failure of a component in a routing protocol peer.
  • Information dissemination: the speed with which the failure in the previous stage can be communicated to other devices in the network.
  • Repair: the speed with which all devices on the network-having been notified of the failure-can calculate an alternate path through which data can flow.


An improvement in any one of these stages provides an improvement in overall convergence.


The first of these stages, failure detection can be the most problematic and inconsistent:

  • Different routing protocols use varying methods and timers to detect the loss of a routing adjacency with a peer.
  • Link-layer failure detection times can vary widely depending on the physical media and the Layer 2 encapsulation used.
  • Intervening devices (eg: Ethernet switch) can hide link-layer failures from routing protocol peers.


Packet over SONET (POS) tends to have the best failure detection time amongst the different Layer 1/2 media choices. It can typically detect and react to media or protocol failures in ~50 milliseconds. This has become the benchmark against which other protocols are measured.

2. BFD For Fast Failure Detection

Bi-directional Forwarding Detection (BFD) provides rapid failure detection times between forwarding engines, while maintaining low overhead. It also provides a single, standardized method of link/device/protocol failure detection at any protocol layer and over any media. BFD is a simple, light weight hello protocol and is targeted to achieve a detection time as short as a few tenths of milliseconds.


A secondary benefit of BFD, in addition to fast failure detection, is that it provides network administrators with a consistent method of detecting failures. Thus, one availability methodology could be used, irrespective of the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) or the topology of the target network. This eases network profiling and planning, because re-convergence time should be consistent and predictable. BFD function is defined in RFC 5880.


The Fundamental difference between the BFD Hellos and the Protocol Hellos (OSPF, RSVP etc.) is that BFD adjacencies do not go down on Control-Plane restarts (e.g. RSP failover) since the goal of BFD is to detect only the forwarding plane failures. BFD is essentially a Control plane protocol designed to detect the forwarding path failures.


3. BFD Protocl Overview

BFD is a simple Hello protocol that, in many respects, is similar to the detection components of well-known routing protocols. It is a UDP-based layer-3 protocol that provides very fast routing protocol independent detection of layer-3 next hop failures.


A pair of systems transmits BFD packets periodically over each path between the two systems, and if a system stops receiving BFD packets for long enough, some component in that particular bidirectional path to the neighboring system is assumed to have failed.


BFD runs on top of any data-link protocol that is in use between two adjacent systems.


BFD has two versions: Version 0 and Version 1. The ASR 9000 Router based on Cisco IOS XR software supports BFD Version 1.


BFD has two operating modes that may be selected, as well as an additional function that can be used in combination with the two modes.


The primary mode is known as Asynchronous mode.  In this mode, the systems periodically send BFD Control packets to one another, and if a number of those packets in a row are not received by the other system, the session is declared to be down.


The second mode is known as Demand mode.  In this mode, it is assumed that a system has an independent way of verifying that it has connectivity to the other system.  Once a BFD session is established, such a system may ask the other system to stop sending BFD Control packets, except when the system feels the need to verify connectivity explicitly, in which case a short sequence of BFD Control packets is exchanged, and then the far system quiesces.  Demand mode may operate independently in each direction, or simultaneously.


An adjunct to both modes is the Echo function.  When the Echo function is active, a stream of BFD Echo packets is transmitted in such a way as to have the other system loop them back through its forwarding path.  If a number of packets of the echoed data stream are not received, the session is declared to be down.  The Echo function may be used with either Asynchronous or Demand mode.  Since the Echo function is handling the task of detection, the rate of periodic transmission of Control packets may be reduced (in the case of Asynchronous mode) or eliminated completely (in the case of Demand mode).


Cisco ASR 9000 only supports asynchronous mode and has echo enabled by default.


BFD Async Mode

Node running BFD in Async mode transmits periodically BFD Control packets. BFD control packets are encapsulated into UDP, with Source port 49152 and Destination port 3784. The Source address of the IP packet is the local interface address and the destination address is the remote interface address.

bfd async.png

BFD control packets are unidirectional, i.e. they normally don’t require a response. Their purpose is to confirm that BFD control plane on the remote peer is operational.


If a predetermined number of intervals passes without receiving a BFD control placket from the peer, the local node will declare the BFD session down.


BFD Echo Mode

The Echo mode is designed to test only the forwarding path and not the host stack.


BFD Echo packets are transmitted over UDP with source and destination ports as 3785. The source address of the BFD Echo packet is the router ID and the destination address is the local interface address.

bfd echo.png

BFD Echo packets do not require a response. Choice of destination IP address is such that it forces the remote peer to route the original packet back via the same link, without punting to the BFD control plane. Thus, BFD control plane on peer B is not even aware of BFD Echo packets originating from peer A.


If a predetermined number of intervals passes without receiving its own BFD Echo placket, the local node will declare the BFD session down.


Source address selection of the BFD echo packet:

  1. check for an echo source address configuration for the interface
  2. check for a global echo source address configuration
  3. use the RID as the echo source address
  4. use the interface address


Default source/destination IP address and UDP port for BFD Asycn and Echo packets:


  BFD Async BFD Echo
Source IP address Local Interface Router ID

Destination IP address

Remote interface

Local Interface

Source UDP Port



Destination UDP Port 3784 3785



BFD Session

The BFD session parameters are negotiated between the BFD peers in a three-way handshake. Each Peer communicates its session state in the State (Sta) field in the BFD Control packet, and that received state, in combination with the local session state, drives the state machine. When the local peer wants to bring the session up, it sends a control packet with Down state. Figure 3 shows the transition from Down to Up state. Circles represent the state of the local peer and rectangles the received state of remote peer.


bfd session.png

If this peer receives a BFD Control packet from the remote system with a Down state, it advances the session to Init  state. If it receives a BFD Control packet from the remote system with an Init state, it moves the session to Up state.


The BFD peers continuously negotiate their desired transmit and receive rates. The peer that reports the slower rate determines the transmission rate. The periodic transmission of BFD Control packets is jittered on a per-packet basis by a random value of 0 to 25%, in order to avoid self-synchronization with other systems on the same subnet. Thus, the average interval between packets is roughly 12.5% less than that negotiated.


In a BFD session, each system calculates its session down detection time independently. In each direction, this calculation is based on the value of Detect Mult received from the remote system and the negotiated transmit interval.


Negotiated_Transmit_Interval =

     max (required minimum received interval, last received desired minimum transmit interval)


Detection Time = Detection_Multiplier x Negotiated_Transmit_Interval


If the Detection Time is passed without receiving a control packet, the session is declared to be down.


4. “Static” and “Dynamic” BFD

“Static BFD” refers to a BFD session that protects a single static route. “Dynamic BFD” refers to a BFD session between dynamic routing protocol peers, by which all of the routes having this peer as the next-hop are protected by BFD.


5. ASR 9000 Distributed BFD Architecure


In Cisco ASR 9000, BFD Functionality is implemented between RSP and Line card in a distributed architecture. There is a BFD Server Process running on the RSP and a BFD Agent Process running on the Line card. The Architecture is as shown in this figure:


distributed bfd architecture.png


  • BFD process on RSP:                                     
    • Responsible for interacting with BFD clients and passing BFD session creation/deletion request to LC BFD processes upon configuration request, and maintaining a adjacency database to track all BFD sessions on the router.
    • Notify clients of BFD (OSPF, IS-IS or BGP) interface configuration change and session down events upon receiving BFD event notification from LC.
    • Service show and configuration commands.
  • BFD process on LC:                                     
    • Create and delete BFD sessions based on commands from BFD RSP process
    • Maintain a database for all BFD sessions on the LC. There is an instance of BFD adjacency per session on the LC that owns the session.
    • Notify BFD RSP process in any event of transmit, receive failure or session down detection.
    • Maintain and update BFD session transmit and receive counters
    • Run BFD FSM for all BFD sessions on the LC, transmit and receive BFD control packets, update and check BFD session detection timers.


BFD communication between RSP and LC is through reliable IPC messaging which is designed for communication with minimal delay and being able to survive RSP switchover. In particular:


  • LC BFD event message to RSP is sent on a reserved IPC port;
  • On RSP, BFD event port is opened as an IPC reliable port and BFD event sent from LC gets received in RSP IPC receive interrupt context. The BFD event port gets open and ready to receive BFD event on standby RSP in case of a switchover and it becomes active RSP.
  • During RSP switchover, BFD event from LC to RSP will not be sent.  Instead, it is registered with switchover call-backs and get sent after the RSP switchover.


The BFD packets have to be punted to the Line Card CPU and follow the slow path. Injected and punted BFD packets have a preferential treatment on all line card architectures. In other words, following BFD packets have a preferential treatment on all ASR9000 line cards:


  • BFD control packets
  • BFD Echo packets originated on the LC
  • Response to BFD Echo packets originated on the LC


Egress QoS policy map needs to be considered to ensure preferential treatment of BFD Echo packets originated by the BFD peer.


Configuring BFD


NOTE: In IOS XR an application must “terminate“ the BFD session.

Unlike IOS, direct peering without any application using the session is not allowed.


6. BFD on Static Routes

Simplest application is router-static:


router static

address-family ipv4 unicast bfd fast-detect minimum-interval 500 multiplier 3


interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0

ipv4 address


7. BFD On Directly Connected Static Host Routes

This is a special case in IOS-XR, supported after 4.2.3 (through CSCua18314). This is a static BFD to a /32 prefix in a directly attached network.


interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0/22

ipv4 address


router static

address-family ipv4 unicast GigabitEthernet0/1/0/22 bfd fast-detect


Corresponding configuration on IOS device:


interface GigabitEthernet4/17

ip address

bfd interval 500 min_rx 500 multiplier 3

bfd neighbor ipv4


8. BFD With IGP Peers

ISIS  application sample:


router isis lab

net 49.0111.0111.0111.0111.00

address-family ipv4 unicast

  redistribute connected


interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

  bfd minimum-interval 500

  bfd multiplier 3

  bfd fast-detect ipv4


9. Global BFD Parameters

Top level BFD configuration mode is used to configure global BFD parameters (dampening, global echo source address, etc.) and interface specific  BFD paramaters (disable/enable echo mode per interface, set echo source address, etc.):



interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

  echo disable


echo ipv4 source

dampening secondary-wait 7500

dampening initial-wait 3000

dampening maximum-wait 180000


In IOS-XR BFD Control and Echo packet intervals are not configured independently. If Echo mode is enabled, user can configure the  BFD Echo interval, and the BFD Control interval is set to 2 seconds. If BFD Echo is disabled, user configures the BFD Control interval. Same multiplier is applied to both values to calculate the ‘dead’ timer.


If Echo mode is enabled, locally configured multiplier will be used by remote peer to calculate detection time for BFD Control packets sent by local peer. And for locally generated echo packets, locally configured multiplier will be used to calculate the detection time.

bfd multiplier.png

BFD Multiplier

(fat green arrow indicates where is the multiplier applied)


10. BFD Echo And QoS

Injected and punted BFD packets have a preferential treatment on all line card architectures.


Egress QoS policy map needs to be considered to ensure preferential treatment of BFD Echo packets originated by the BFD peer. Sample configuration:


ipv4 access-list BFD

5 permit udp any any eq 3785


class-map match-any BFDCLASS

match access-group ipv4 BFD


policy-map OUT


  priority level 1

  police rate 10 kbps


interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

service-policy output OUT


If the above still doesn't prevent BFD flaps during sever congestions, create a parent shaper over this policy, shape it to 100% and apply the parent policy to the interface.


bfd echo and qos.png



11. BFD And HSRP


HSRP has to learn what the physical addresses of the Active and Standby router are (from the HSRP control packets). Once one of these routers change state, it's possible that another (third) router could take over as Standby. HSRP cannot assume that the same router will come back (configured the same way) following the failure - it must wait for the Standby to be newly elected and discover its physical address to recreate the BFD session to that address. As a consequence BFD session may flap when HSRP state changes.


12. BFD Scale


NOTE: BFD scale limits differ per line card architecture and may change from one IOS-XR release to another.


BFD scale is determined by rate of BFD packets that are allowed to be punted to LC CPU. Also, it depends on the pps limit and max session limit per LC. Limits differ per line card architecture and may change from one IOS-XR release to another. Exec command “show bfd summary” can be used to observe the limits on the router:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K#show bfd summary

Node       All PPS usage   MP  PPS usage   Session number   

           %   Used  Max   %   Used  Max   Total MP     Max

---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------

0/2/CPU0   0   2     16000  0   0     16000  1     0      8000

0/4/CPU0   0   0     9600   0   0     9600   0     0      4000

0/6/CPU0   0   0     16000  0   0     16000  0     0      8000


All PPS Usage” indicates the PPS limit on all BFD sessions on a given slot, and “Session number Max” indicates the maximum number of BFD sessions on a given slot.


For example, to calculate how many BFD sessions can be hosted presuming a 150ms Echo interval on slots 0/2 or 0/6 from the above sample:


  • BFD pps rate = 16000 pps
  • Echo packet interval = 150ms = 0.15s
  • ==> 16000 * 0.15 = 2400 sessions


Received BFD packets are policed by the NP. To see the rate of received BFD packets and to check for any drops, run the “show controllers np counters <np|all> location <location>” command and look for BFD counters.



Monitoring BFD

13. Monitoring BFD Via CLI


Essential commands for BFD monitoring are


show bfd session [detail]

show bfd counters packet


Sample outputs for given configuration:


interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

ipv4 address


router isis lab

net 49.0111.0111.0111.0111.00

address-family ipv4 unicast

  redistribute connected


interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

  bfd minimum-interval 500

  bfd multiplier 3

  bfd fast-detect ipv4



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-1#show bfd session

Interface       Dest Addr           Local det time(int*mult)      State    

                                Echo             Async          

--------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------

Gi0/2/0/1        1500ms(500ms*3)  6s(2s*3)         UP       


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:WEST-PE-ASR9K-1#show bfd counters packet                  

GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1 Recv       Xmit                 Recv       Xmit

      Async:          44048     44182       Echo:    175384     175384



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-1#show bfd session detail

I/f: GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1, Location: 0/2/CPU0



State: UP for 0d:21h:4m:54s, number of times UP: 1

Session type: PR/V4/SH

Received parameters:

Version: 1, desired tx interval: 2 s, required rx interval: 2 s

Required echo rx interval: 1 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None

My discr: 2148335618, your discr: 2148073474, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0

Transmitted parameters:

Version: 1, desired tx interval: 2 s, required rx interval: 2 s

Required echo rx interval: 1 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None

My discr: 2148073474, your discr: 2148335618, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0

Timer Values:

Local negotiated async tx interval: 2 s

Remote negotiated async tx interval: 2 s

Desired echo tx interval: 500 ms, local negotiated echo tx interval: 500 ms

Echo detection time: 1500 ms(500 ms*3), async detection time: 6 s(2 s*3)

Local Stats:

Intervals between async packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=100, min=1663 ms, max=1993 ms, avg=1834 ms

       Last packet transmitted 876 ms ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=100, min=1665 ms, max=2 s, avg=1832 ms

       Last packet received 272 ms ago

Intervals between echo packets:

   Tx: Number of intervals=50, min=25 s, max=25 s, avg=25 s

       Last packet transmitted 142 ms ago

   Rx: Number of intervals=50, min=25 s, max=25 s, avg=25 s

       Last packet received 137 ms ago

Latency of echo packets (time between tx and rx):

   Number of packets: 100, min=1 ms, max=5 ms, avg=3 ms

Session owner information:

                            Desired               Adjusted

  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier

  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

  isis-escalation      500 ms     3          2 s        3        



Explanation of the relevant fields in the show bfd session detail command output:


Field Description
dest: The Destination IP address in the BFD async control packet
src: The source IP address used in the BFD async control packet
State: UP The current state of the BFD session at the local router
for 0d:21h:4m:54s Indicates the time in which this BFD session has maintained this State
number of times UP: 1 Indicates the number of times this session has been UP since the last time of flap or establishment
Received parameters: Explanation of the received parameters is as below
Version: 1 BFD protocol version running on the Remote router
desired tx interval: 2 s The Async packet interval used by Remote router in sending
required rx interval: 2 s The Async packet interval expected by Remote router of this Router
Required echo rx interval: 1 ms The echo interval that can be supported by the Remote router
multiplier: 3 The multiplier that the Remote router chooses to use
diag: None The reason indicated by remote router if at all the BFD session is not in UP state at it's side
My discr: 2148335618 The Discriminator used by the Remote Router for this BFD session
your discr: 2148073474 The Discriminator belonging to this Router as understood by Remote router for this BFD session
state UP The state of BFD session at the Remote router
D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0 Bit settings as seen in the Async control packet sent by Remote router:
D - Set if Demand Mode is used by Remote router
F - Final bit in the BFD packet sent by remote router. Remote router is ACKing change in BFD parameter sent by Local router
P - Poll bit in the BFD packet sent by remote router. Remote router has changed some BFD parameters and waits for ACK from Local router
C - Is BFD independent of the Control plane on Remote Router
A - Is Authentication used by Remote router for this session
Transmitted parameters: Explanation of the transmitted parameters
Version: 1 BFD protocol version running on the Local router
desired tx interval: 2 s The Async packet interval used by Local router in sending
required rx interval: 2 s The Async packet interval expected of the Remote router by this Router
Required echo rx interval: 1 ms The echo interval that can be supported by the Local router
multiplier: 3 The multiplier that the Local router chooses to use
diag: None The reason indicated by local router if at all the BFD session is not in UP state
My discr: 2148073474 The Discriminator used by the local Router for this BFD session
your discr: 2148335618 The Discriminator belonging to remote Router as understood by the local router for this BFD session
state UP The state of BFD session at the Local router
D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0 Bit settings as seen in the Async control packet sent by the local router:
D - Set if Demand Mode is used by local router
F - Final bit in the BFD packet sent by local router. Local Router is ACKing a change in BFD parameter sent by Remote router
P - Poll bit in the BFD packet sent by local router. Local Router is indicating a change in BFD parameter to the Remote Router
C - Set if BFD is independent of the Control plane on the local Router. As per IOX implementation, this will be set.
A - Set if Authentication used by local router for this session
Timer Values: Details of the timer values exchanged between Local and Remote routers
Local negotiated async tx interval: 2 s The Async interval used by Local Router for transmit after negotiation
Remote negotiated async tx interval: 2 s The Async interval used by Local Router for reception after negotiation
Desired echo tx interval: 500 ms The configured (or default) echo interval used by Local router.
local negotiated echo tx interval: 500 ms Based on the upper value negotiated between Local (configured minimum-interval or default value) and Remote router (published capability for Echo receive interval). In case of IOS-XR, the published interval is 1ms. Between (600ms, 1ms), 600ms is chosen.
Echo detection time: 1500 ms(500 ms*3) The product of local negotiated echo tx interval and the multiplier configured locally
async detection time: 6 s (2 s*3) The product of Remote negotiated async tx interval and the multiplier sent by remote router/td>



State and Diag

In traces and show commands sometimes the state is provided in an enumeration. This table decodes the state enum to the explanation and meaning of that state /Diag number.





State Explanation
State = 0 Admin down (configured)
State = 1 DOWN (loss reported)
State = 2 INIT (starting up)
State = 3 UP (Bfd session all running fine).






DIAG Explanation
Diag = 0 DIAG_NONE/reserved

Diag = 1

Control Expired
Diag = 2 Echo Failed
Diag = 3 Neighbor down
Diag = 4 Forward plane reset
Diag = 5 Path down
Diag = 6 Concatenated path down
Diag = 7 Admin down
Diag = 8 Reverse concath path down.




14. Monitoring BFD Via SNMP


For SNMP monitoring use CISCO-IETF-BFD-MIB OIDs.



Multi-Hop And Multi-Path BFD


Multi-hop BFD session runs between two endpoints, across one or more layer 3 forwarding devices. Key aspect of BFD multi-hop session is that the return path may be asymmetric, hence it is also a multi-path session by definition.

A BFD session between virtual interfaces (BVI, BE, PWHE, GRE tunnel) of directly connected peers is also a multi-path session because of possible asymatrical routing. 

In asr9k nv edge solutions (aka cluster), BFD Multi-path sessions are supported starting with XR release 5.2.2.


15. BFD Async Mode In Multi-Hop BFD Session

On ASR 9000 BFD instance may only run on a line card CPU. User must manually designate the line card CPU on which the BFD session will run. If multiple line card CPUs are designated, multi-hop BFD sessions will be load-balanced between them. There are no mechanisms to bind a specific BFD session to a specific LC CPU. The line card hosting the BFD session doesn't have to be the one that owns the transport interfaces through which BFD packets are exchanged.


BFD Async packets pertaining to a single BFD session are always processed by the same LC CPU. The discriminator field in the BFD packet header is used to determine the destination LC CPU for received BFD packets.


BFD packets are always originated with TTL=255. To effectively impose a limit on the number of hops that a BFD packet should traverse, TTL threshold can be applied on received BFD packets. If the TTL is less than the configured threshold, packet will be dropped. BFD TTL threshold is configurable only in global BFD configuration mode.


16. BFD Echo Mode In Multi-Hop BFD Session


BFD Echo mode is not supported in multi-hop BFD.


17. Confiuring A Multi-Hop BFD Session


Sample multi-hop BFD configuration for BGP:



multihop ttl-drop-threshold 240        !<-- optional

multipath include location 0/1/CPU0    !<-- mandatory


router bgp 100

address-family ipv4 unicast


address-family vpnv4 unicast



  remote-as 100

  bfd fast-detect

  bfd multiplier 3

  bfd minimum-interval 1000


Since echo mode is not supported, configured timers are applied to the async mode.


18. QOS Considerations In A Multi-Path BFD Session


With multi-path BFD sessions the system cannot predict the exact physical interface on which the BFD packet from the peer may be transmitted/received because of changes in routing. If preferential treatment of MP BFD packets is required, user must explicitly ensure such treatment along the path, including the QoS on possible input/output interfaces on the source/destination of MP BFD packets.


ipv4 access-list BFD

5 permit udp any any eq 4784


class-map match-any BFDCLASS

match access-group ipv4 BFD


policy-map BFD


  priority level 1

  police rate 10 kbps


interface GigabitEthernet0/2/0/1

service-policy output BFD

service-policy input BFD


19. Monitoring A Multi-Hop BFD Session


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K#show bfd session detail

Mon Apr 15 16:27:28.991 UTC


Location: 0/1/CPU0    ! <------ LC CPU hosting the BFD session



VRF Name/ID: default/0x60000000

State: UP for 0d:0h:45m:14s, number of times UP: 1

Session type: SW/V4/MH    ! <------ Multi-Hop


Timer Values:

Local negotiated async tx interval: 1 s   ! <------ min interval

Remote negotiated async tx interval: 1 s

async detection time: 3 s(1 s*3)   ! <------ multiplier


MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK    ! <------ Multi-Path

State change time: Apr 15 15:40:16.123

Session owner information:

                            Desired               Adjusted

  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier

  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

  bgp-default          1 s        3          1 s        3      




BFD Hardware Offload


When BFD Hardware Offload is enabled, async packets are not generated and received any more by the LC CPU, but by the Network Processor (NP), thus increasing the BFD scale. BFD HW Offload is supported on Enhanced Ethernet line cards (aka "Typhoon"), on single-hop IPv4/IPv6 sessions over physical interfaces and sub-interfaces, and on MPLS-TP LSP Single-Path sessions.

Configuring BFD HW Offload

Configure "hw-module bfd-hw-offload enable" in the admin configuration mode and reload the line card for the command to take effect.

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K(admin-config)#hw-module bfd-hw-offload enable location 0/0/CPU0

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K#hw-module location 0/0/CPU0 reload
WARNING: This will take the requested node out of service.
Do you wish to continue?[confirm(y/n)]y

Scale and Restrictions

Refer to XR release 5.3 routing configuration guide.

Monitoring BFD HW Offload

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K#sh bfd session detail
I/f: TenGigE0/0/0/12.1, Location: 0/0/CPU0
 State: UP for 0d:0h:0m:14s, number of times UP: 1
 Session type: PR/V4/SH
Received parameters:
 Version: 1, desired tx interval: 150 ms, required rx interval: 150 ms
 Required echo rx interval: 1 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None
 My discr: 2148335618, your discr: 2147549186, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0
Transmitted parameters:
 Version: 1, desired tx interval: 300 ms, required rx interval: 300 ms
 Required echo rx interval: 0 us, multiplier: 3, diag: None
 My discr: 2147549186, your discr: 2148335618, state UP, D/F/P/C/A: 0/1/0/1/0
Timer Values:
 Local negotiated async tx interval: 300 ms
 Remote negotiated async tx interval: 300 ms
 Desired echo tx interval: 0 s, local negotiated echo tx interval: 0 us
 Echo detection time: 0 us(0 us*3), async detection time: 900 ms(300 ms*3)
Local Stats:
 Intervals between async packets:
   Tx: Number of intervals=2, min=5 ms, max=3469 ms, avg=1737 ms
       Last packet transmitted 14 s ago
   Rx: Number of intervals=6, min=5 ms, max=1865 ms, avg=444 ms
       Last packet received 13 s ago
 Intervals between echo packets:
   Tx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
       Last packet transmitted 0 s ago
   Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
       Last packet received 0 s ago
 Latency of echo packets (time between tx and rx):
   Number of packets: 0, min=0 us, max=0 us, avg=0 us
Session owner information:
                            Desired               Adjusted
  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier
  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
  isis-Escalation      150 ms     3          300 ms     3

H/W Offload Info:
 H/W Offload capability : Y, Hosted NPU     : 0/0/CPU0/NPU4
 Async Offloaded        : Y, Echo Offloaded : N
 Async rx/tx            : 7/3

Platform Info:
Async RTC ID        : 1          Echo RTC ID        : 0
Async Feature Mask  : 0x8        Echo Feature Mask  : 0x0
Async Session ID    : 0x0        Echo Session ID    : 0x0
Async Tx Key        : 0x801  Echo Tx Key        : 0x0
Async Tx Stats addr : 0x205ee800   Echo Tx Stats addr : 0x0
Async Rx Stats addr : 0x215ee800   Echo Rx Stats addr : 0x0


BFD Over Bundle Member Interfaces

20. Introduction


Implementation of various BFD flavours over bundle interfaces in IOS XR was carried out in 3 phases:


  1. IPv4 BFD session over individual bundle sub-interfaces. This feature was called “BFD over VLAN over bundle”.
  2. IOS XR releases 4.0.1 and beyond: “BFD Over Bundle (BoB)” feature was introduced.
  3. IOS XR releases 4.3.0 and beyond: full support for IPv4 and IPv6 BFD sessions over bundle interfaces and sub-interfaces. For disambiguation from the BoB feature, this implementation is called BLB, and sessions are often referred to as native BFD sessions over bundle interfaces and/or sub-interfaces. BFD multipath must be enabled for any of these BFD flavours to work.



21. “BFD Over VLAN Over Bundle” Feature Operation


“BFD Over VLAN Over Bundle” refers to a static or dynamic IPv4 BFD session over bundle-ethernet sub-interface. No other flavours of BFD over bundle interfaces or sub-interfaces were supported.


From configuration and monitoring aspect this feature was identical to BFD over physical interface or sub-interafce.


Example of a “BFD over VLAN over bundle” protecting a static route:


interface Bundle-Ether1.10

ipv4 address

encapsulation dot1q 10


router static

address-family ipv4 unicast Bundle-Ether1.10 bfd fast-detect minimum-interval 500 multiplier 3


Example of a “BFD over VLAN over bundle” session with IGP peer:


interface Bundle-Ether1.20

ipv4 address

encapsulation dot1q 10


router isis lab

net 49.0111.0111.0111.0111.00

address-family ipv4 unicast

  redistribute connected


interface Bundle-Ether1.20

  bfd minimum-interval 500

  bfd multiplier 3

  bfd fast-detect ipv4



22. “BFD Over Bundle (BoB)” Feature Operation


In “BFD Over Bundle (BoB)” feature IPv4 BFD session runs over every active bundle member.



Bundlemgr considers BFD states, in addition to existing L1/L2 states, to determine member link usability. Bundle member state is a function of :

  1. L1 state (physical link)
  2. L2 state (LACP)
  3. L3 state (BFD)


BFD Agent still runs on the line card. BFD states of bundle member links are consolidated on RP.


Member links must be connected back-to-back, without any L2 switches inbetween.


Async Mode


BoB supports both async mode and echo mode. Async mode is very similar to BFD over physical interface, as sync packets are running over each individual bundle member.


bob async.png


Echo Mode


Echo mode is also very similar to BFD over physical interface, with some special considerations for the TX/RX path. One member link per line card is designated to be the Echo Active member. Echo Active member is simultaneously sending a sufficient number of Echo packets to ensure that at least one will be returned over each active member link. BoB Echo packet header contains a discriminator field identifying the originating rack&slot and a sequence number which is used by the peer for hashing the Echo packets on the return path. Returned Echo packets are punted to LC CPU only if they were originated by the local Echo Active member.


bob echo.png

By default, BFD Over Bundle member link runs in echo mode.


L2 Encapsulation


Ethernet frames carrying BoB packets are sent with CDP destination MAC address 0100.0CCC.CCCC.


On POS bundles, only the cHDLC encapsulation is supported.


BFD Over Bundle (BoB) Configuration


Configuration for enabling/disabling BFD per member link is under bundle interface submode.


interface Bundle-Ether1

bfd address-family ipv4 timers start 60

bfd address-family ipv4 timers nbr-unconfig 3600

bfd address-family ipv4 multiplier 3

bfd address-family ipv4 destination

bfd address-family ipv4 fast-detect

bfd address-family ipv4 minimum-interval 300


There is no need to configure BFD in IGP. In case of BFD failure bundle manager is notified immediately. If the number of active members is below minimum, bundle is immediately brought down, bringing down the IGP peering.


The fast-detect and destination are mandatory for bringing the session up.


The nbr-unconfig option was created to allow disabling BFD per member link without interrupting the bundle interface.


Async mode can be forced by disabling the echo mode at following sub-modes:

  • global BFD configuration → applies to all sessions.
  • bundle interface configuration → applies to all member link sessions for this bundle interface.
  • Member link configuration → applies only to member link session.


Echo packet source IP address is configurable with same granularity.


Monitoring BFD Over Bundle (BoB)

Monitoring BoB Via CLI

In example below output BFD runs on Bundle-Ether1, with members being Gi0/0/0/2 and Gi0/0/0/3:


RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K#show bfd session

Interface    Dest Addr           Local det time(int*mult)      State   

                                   Echo            Async

----------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----

Gi0/0/0/2     1350ms(450ms*3)  450ms(150ms*3)   UP      

Gi0/0/0/3     1350ms(450ms*3)  450ms(150ms*3)   UP      

BE1     n/a              n/a              UP      



RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ASR9K#sh bfd count packet private detail location 0/0/CPU0

Bundle-Ether1             Recv     Rx Invalid   Xmit   Delta

    Async:                 0        0              0        

    Echo:                  0        0              0    0

GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2    Recv     Rx Invalid   Xmit   Delta

     Async:                1533     0            1528

     Echo:                (14976  ) 0            29952  14976

GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3    Recv     Rx Invalid   Xmit   Delta

    Async:                 1533     0            1529

    Echo:                  (14976 ) 0            0      14976    


Monitoring BoB Via SNMP


Since the BFD session states are consolidated on the RP, SNMP get works only for basic CISCO-IETF-BFD-MIB OIDs. OIDs that can be used for monitoring BoB are:

  • ciscoBfdSessIndex
  • ciscoBfdSessDiscriminator
  • ciscoBfdSessState
  • ciscoBfdSessAddrType
  • ciscoBfdSessAddr
  • ciscoBfdSessVersionNumber
  • ciscoBfdSessType
  • ciscoBfdSessInterface
  • coBfdSessUpTime
  • ciscoBfdSessPerfLastSessDownTime
  • ciscoBfdSessPerfSessUpCount



23. Native BFD Over VLAN Over Bundle Interfaces And Sub-Iinterfaces (BLB)


IOS XR releases 4.3.0 has introduced full support for IPv4 and IPv6 BFD sessions over bundle interfaces and sub-interfaces. For disambiguation from the BoB feature, this implementation is called BLB, and sessions are often referred to as native BFD sessions over bundle interfaces and/or sub-interfaces.


BLB operation relies on BFD multipath. Hence, echo mode is not supported.


Configuring BLB

BFD multipath must be enabled for any of these BFD flavours to work. All other configuration aspects are identical to “BFD over VLAN over bundle” configuration.



multipath include location 0/1/CPU0


interface Bundle-Ether1.10

ipv4 address

encapsulation dot1q 10


router static

address-family ipv4 unicast Bundle-Ether1.10 bfd fast-detect minimum-interval 900 multiplier 3


BLB QoS Considerations

As in any multipath BFD session, egress BFD packets are not injected into high priority egress queue. If user desires to ensure that BFD packets are treated as high priority, such a QoS policy must be created and applied to the bundle (sub)interface.


Monitoring BLB


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K#sh bfd session interface bundle-e1.10 detail

Fri Apr 19 12:19:34.330 UTC

I/f: Bundle-Ether1.10, Location: 0/1/CPU0 ! <------ LC CPU hosting the BFD session



State: UP for 0d:2h:6m:58s, number of times UP: 1

Session type: SW/V4/SH/BL    ! <------ BLB session

< ... >

Timer Values:

Local negotiated async tx interval: 900 ms   ! <--- configured timers applied to async

Remote negotiated async tx interval: 900 ms

Desired echo tx interval: 0 s, local negotiated echo tx interval: 0 s

Echo detection time: 0 s(0 s*3), async detection time: 2700 ms(900 ms*3)

< ... >

MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK    ! <------ Multi-Path

State change time: Apr 19 10:12:32.593

Session owner information:

                            Desired               Adjusted

  Client               Interval   Multiplier Interval   Multiplier

  -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

  ipv4_static          900 ms     3          900 ms     3        



24. BoB-BLB Coexistence


BoB-BLB coexistence is enabled using the “bundle coexistence bob-blb logical” global BFD configuration command:



multipath include location 0/1/CPU0

bundle coexistence bob-blb logical



25. BFD Session Inheritance In BFD Over Bundle Member Implementations


Due to scaling considerations, only IPv4 BFD sessions runs over member links. Application IPv6 sessions are inheriting the states from the IPv4 BFD session for the same bundle.


When BoB feature is enabled, “BFD over VLAN over bundle” sessions (i.e. sessions on bundle sub-interfaces) of all address families are also inheriting the states from IPv4 BFD session for corresponding bundle interface.


BFD Session Type BFD Session state
Up to IOS XR release 4.2.3 Starting with IOS XR release 4.3.0
With BoB Without BoB With BoB Without BoB BoB-BLB coexistence
IPv4 over bundle interface Active Dormant Active Native Active
IPv4 over bundle sub-interface Inherits state "BFD Over VLAN Over Bundle" Inherits state Native Native
IPv6 over bundle interface Inherits state Dormant Inherits state Native Native
IPv6 over bundle sub-interface Inherits state Dormant Inherits state Native Native




Troubleshooting BFD

26. BFD Session Not Coming Up


Was the session created by the application?

  • Use the "show bfd all session" command to see if the session has been created. If the session is not visible using the bfd show command, check that the adjacency for which the BFD session is being created exists in the application.


Can you ping the destination address for which the BFD session is to be created?

  • The BFD session will only be created by an application for which the application adjacency/neighbour exists.


Has BFD been configured on both sides?


Has BFD been configured with correct destination address?

  • Using non-default IP addresses with BFD requires special attention. The source IP address being used for BFD sessions can be verified with "show bfd all session detail" command.


If the session is visible using the BFD show commands but is not UP and the destination ip address of the BFD peer is reachable by pinging:

  • execute the "show bfd all session detail" command and check whether the "Local Stats" from that show command indicate that packets are being transmitted and received?
  • If not, check which NP corresponds to the interface in question and whether that NP is receiving BFD packets by running:

sh controllers np ports all location <location>”

sh controllers np counters <np> location <location> | inc "Rate|BFD"

sh uidb data location <location> <interface> ingress

sh uidb data location <location> <interface> ing-extension


If the MAX-PPS LIMIT is reached BFD session will be kept in ADMIN_DOWN state. In this scenario message BFD-6-SESSION_NO_RESOURCES will be reported in the syslog, e.g.:


RP/0/RP1/CPU0:Mar 13 09:51:06.556 : bfd[143]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_NO_RESOURCES : No resources for session to neighbor on interface TenGigE0/1/0/2, interval=300 ms


Is the allowed policer rate for BFD packets reached?

  • Run “show controllers np counters <np|all> location <location>” and look for BFD packet and drop counters.


Does this BFD session require BFD multi-path?

  • Look for %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_NO_RESOURCES message in the syslog
  • Run 'show bfd session detail | inc “^(Location|MP)”’ to confirm that a line card CPU was designated to host  the BFD session.


27. BFD Session Going Down

Determine if there really is a connectivity issue that BFD has rightly discovered.

  • Run a continuous ping to local i/f address (which is used by local echo and remote async) and remote i/f address (used by remote echo and local async) with a timeout of 1s and repeat the test.


Determine if the application adjacency has flapped (for example after RSP failover), which would cause the BFD session to be removed by the application.

  • Examine the "show logging | inc bfd_agent" output on the neighbour to confirm whether the session was removed by the application.


Determine if the outgoing interface for a next-hop IP address changed (for example after APS link switch), which would cause the BFD session to be removed by the application, followed by creation of the BFD session with new outgoing interface.

  • Examine the "show logging | inc bfd_agent" output on the neighbour to confirm whether the session was removed by the application.


If the log says "Nbor signalled down", check the logs on the peer to verify if the application has removed the session or if the routing adj has flapped.


If BFD is flapping continuously because of echo failure, it can be due to:

  • The link is over-subscribed. Async and echo packets are sent to high priority queue by the sender but on the remote router which is switching back the echo packets, these echo packets are regular data packets. So with over-subscription, they can be dropped. Work-around is to add qos policy at each end to send UDP port 3785 packets to high priority queue.
  • uRPF is configured on the interface. Need self-ping and remote routerid to be reachable.
  • There could be timing issues where (e.g. because of SPF delay in IGPs) the remote router-id is installed in CEF after the BFD session comes up. This also causes flaps due to echo packet drops. Good practice is to configure BFD dampening (delay of the BFD session initialisation):


dampening secondary-wait 7500

dampening initial-wait 3000

dampening maximum-wait 180000


  • BFD flapping due to echo failure but no echo packet loss. This is usually due to delay in the echo packets and one of the possible causes is traffic shaping. To check whether echo packets are delayed or dropped, run "show bfd counters packet private location <location>". If tx and rx count differ this means there's echo packet drops. If the tx and rx are the same but the "Rx Invalid" count is non-zero, this means echo packets are being delayed or coming back on wrong interface.
  • BFD flapping after configuration change related to the BFD session. Clear the stale data by executing clear bfd persistent-data unassociated location <location>.


BFD flaps on a clear route.

  • This is expected behaviour since "clear route" command clears all FIB entries in s/w and h/w, so it is expected that BFD will fail (since there is an expected forwarding outage). This can be confirmed by doing continuous local and remote ping. See TRG 17921. Similar issue is when fib_mgr is crashed which can cause forwarding disruption due to shmem init


28. Essential Information To Collect Before Contacting TAC


Collect the following on both peers terminating the BFD session:


show tech-support routing bfd file

show logging



BFD Packet Format


BFD has two versions: Version 0 and Version 1. The Difference in Version 1 is the “STA” bits replacing the “H” bit in Version 0.

29. BFD V0 Control Packet

bfd header v0.png


30. BFD V1 Control Packet

bfd header v1.png


31. Relevant Header Field

  • Vers: Version of BFD control header. XR runs version 1 as default, but can run version 0 as well.
  • Diag: A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last change in session state, detection time expired, echo failed, etc.
  • Sta: The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system.
  • P: Poll bit, if set, the transmitting system is requesting verification of connectivity, or of a parameter change, and is expecting a packet with the Final (F) bit in reply.
  • F: Final bit, if set, the transmitting system is responding to a received BFD Control packet that had the Poll (P) bit set.
  • C: Set if BFD is independent of the Control plane. In Cisco implementation this bit is set.
  • A: - Set if Authentication used. In Cisco implementation authentication is not supported.
  • D: Set if Demand Mode is used.
  • Detect Mult: Detection time multiplier.  The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the Detection Time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode.
  • My Discriminator: A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of systems. Rack, Slot, Instance is encoded as upper 16bits:




  • Your Discriminator: The discriminator received from the corresponding remote system. This field reflects back the received value of My Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown.
  • Desired Min TX Interval: This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets.
  • Desired Min RX Interval: This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting.
  • Required Min Echo RX Interval: This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Echo packets that this system is capable of supporting.
Level 4
Level 4


we had today an issue on three ASR9912 (of 5) with BFD. The links have not flapped, but somehow BFD has dropped OSPF sessions for a few seconds. MPLS TE tunnels went down/up, too.

I did a check with "show bfd counters packet private location" but the numbers are not helping me a lot. We did some stress test a few weeks ago and TX and RX is probably different because of that...

show bfd trace is also not helping (at least me).

Here is only a part of the logs from three different devices. I am using same colors for better visibility. 

Orange is connected of dark fiber with LR optics - few kilometers.

Blue is directly connected over SR optics. Only 20 meters.

Please note that this two links is only a small part. We had BFD failures on all locations, not only on 0/0.


LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:52.183 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/0 has gone down. Reason: Echo function failed

LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:52.183 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_DAMPENING_ON : Session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/0 entered Dampened state (initial: 2000 ms,secondary: 5000 ms,maximum: 120000 ms).

LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:57.768 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 has gone down. Reason: Nbor signalled down
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:57.773 : ospf[1018]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 8000, Nbr on HundredGigE0/0/0/1 in area 0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: BFD session down, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000

LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:26:01.058 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 has gone down. Reason: Nbor signalled down
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:Jun 29 14:26:01.063 : ospf[1018]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 8000, Nbr on HundredGigE0/0/0/1 in area 0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: BFD session down, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000


LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:52.183 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/0 has gone down. Reason: Nbor signalled down

RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:52.188 : ospf[1018]: %ROUTING-OSPF-5-ADJCHG : Process 8000, Nbr on HundredGigE0/0/0/0 in area 0 from FULL to DOWN, Neighbor Down: BFD session down, vrf default vrfid 0x60000000


LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:57.772 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 has gone down. Reason: Echo function failed
LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:25:57.772 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_DAMPENING_ON : Session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 entered Dampened state (initial: 2000 ms,secondary: 5000 ms,maximum: 120000 ms).

LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:26:01.062 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_STATE_DOWN : BFD session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 has gone down. Reason: Echo function failed
LC/0/0/CPU0:Jun 29 14:26:01.062 : bfd_agent[125]: %L2-BFD-6-SESSION_DAMPENING_ON : Session to neighbor on interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1 entered Dampened state (initial: 2000 ms,secondary: 5000 ms,maximum: 120000 ms).


Under show bfd trace I have found this but I am not sure about this. I do not see an error here.

Jun 29 14:26:51.882 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 Client API notifying app of SCN for session[intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], state 0 , callback 0x42ea5ba, jid 1018
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 Client API notifying app of SCN for session[intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], state 0 , callback 0x47077bc, jid 1056
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 Client API notifying app of SCN for session[intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], state 0 , callback 0x422058c, jid 1054
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t11 Reply to client read request, num_elem 1, num_queued 1, rc 0
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 Client API notifying app of SCN for session[intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], state 0 , callback 0x47077bc, jid 1056
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t11 Reply to client read request, num_elem 2, num_queued 2, rc 0
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Notified client with app id 5 of data ready
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Enqueue session scn [intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], event:0, state 0 (Up), app id 5
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Enqueue session scn [intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], event:0, state 0 (Up), app id 4
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Notified client with app id 4 of data ready
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Enqueue session scn [intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=], event:0, state 0 (Up), app id 4
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t10 Notified client with app id 2 of data ready
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t14 Processed MIB events (cont'd): inter-thread stats: created 0, avg ms 0, max ms 0, trapped 1, avg ms 0, max ms 0
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t14 Punted MIB events: Q size 1, noneed create 0, created 0, trapped 1, create error 0, trap error 0, generic error 0
Jun 29 14:26:51.878 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 [intf=HundredGigE0/0/0/1 (ifh=0x4001040), Dst=] RX SCN from agent: session found. SCN type 0x1, nodeid 0x821, old state 1, new state 0, number of clients 2
Jun 29 14:26:51.877 ip_bfd/events 0/RP1/CPU0 t1 Rx session scn, num_elem 1, nodeid 2081

show tech routing bfd is collected.

Can you please give me an advice where else I could take a look into that?

Aleksandar Vidakovic
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

hi Smail,

"sh bfd session status history ..." gives you the most recent relevant events on the BFD session. It's much easier to look at compared to looking into traces directly.


Level 4
Level 4


I see only this and only on one interface (4 BFD sessions went down). I am working with TAC on this because this is a critical part of the network.

[Jun 29 14:26:45.291] Session (v1) state change, triggered by event 'Remote
state up', from INIT to UP with current diag being None
[Jun 29 14:26:45.289] Session (v1) state change, triggered by event 'Remote
state down', from DOWN to INIT with current diag being None
[Jun 29 14:26:45.289] Session out of Dampened State: Backoff Ctr:0, Waited:2284,
Backoff:2000, Jitter:157
[Jun 29 14:26:43.006] Redundancy flag set: session request from standby server,
currently set flags (0x3)
[Jun 29 14:26:43.006] Session (v1) state change, triggered by event 'Session
create', from Unknown to DOWN with current diag being None
[Jun 29 14:26:43.006] Session in Dampened State: Backoff Ctr:0, Waited Past:0,
Waited:1, Backoff:2000
[Jun 29 14:26:43.006] Flag cleared: session creation is in-progress, currently
set flags (0x80040)
[Jun 29 14:26:43.005] Application requested parameter set:
desired_tx_interval_usecs 50000, desired_detect_mult 3, echo mode desired
locally TRUE, echo_desired_tx_interval_usecs 50000

Other side

[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Redundancy flag set: session request from standby server,
currently set flags (0x3)
[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Session (v1) state change, triggered by event 'Session
create', from Unknown to DOWN with current diag being None
[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Session in Dampened State: Backoff Ctr:0, Waited Past:12,
Waited:12, Backoff:2000
[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Flag cleared: session creation is in-progress, currently
set flags (0x80040)
[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Application requested parameter set:
desired_tx_interval_usecs 50000, desired_detect_mult 3, echo mode desired
locally TRUE, echo_desired_tx_interval_usecs 50000
[Jun 29 14:26:43.007] Flag set: session creation is in-progress, currently set
flags (0x80060)

Hi Xander

 During bfd dampening time is it possible to force ospf do not install route into routing table? We are using international link cross the country and we got the link flap issue in the middle and interface damp can't help for this. During link unstable we don't want ospf to install route so we are looking solution for this.


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

if bfd is running on top of OSPF adj, then when bfd dies, it should bring the adj down and therefore remove the rotues also.

if you dampen the effect of bfd, ospf has no idea that the trigger has fired yet.

it is a bit "contradicting", bfd will force adj down, and remove route. on the other hand you want to dampen bfd, but still the route removed. that is a bit competing I guess. I dont see a way to achieve what you need here, other then using an ipsla probe to the peer, if you see it down, use a trigger and use that syslog trigger to reconfigure ospf with a distribute list to pull out routes.


Thanks for reply and let me tried as your recommend.


Hi Xander

 Someone told me try strict mode and it work for my issue. During damp time ospf neighbor will force to down and waiting for bfd. 

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR-1#show ospf neighbor
Mon Jul 24 23:33:54.886 UTC

* Indicates MADJ interface
# Indicates Neighbor awaiting BFD session up

Neighbors for OSPF 1

Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 0 DOWN/DROTHER 00:00:37 TenGigE0/0/0/3 #


Level 1
Level 1

I'm reading the following:


> On ASR 9000 BFD instance may only run on a line card CPU. User must manually designate the line card CPU on which the BFD session will run. If

> multiple line card CPUs are designated, multi-hop BFD sessions will be load-balanced between them. There are no mechanisms to bind a specific

> BFD session to a specific LC CPU.


...and i'm wondering why does the user have to designate the line card CPU on which the BFD session will run. Can't the router by itself decide which LC CPUs should be used and load-balance between them?

What would be the reasons for a user to choose one LC CPU vs the other, that the router couldn't find out alone?


Imho, the opposite (choose which LC CPUs not to use) makes more sense.

Level 5
Level 5

Great document and discussion, but one thing remains unclear to me.

On ASR platform, should BFD be configured on Bundle or BGP/IGP ?


interface Bundle-Ether100

bfd address-family ipv4 timers start 60
bfd address-family ipv4 timers nbr-unconfig 60
bfd address-family ipv4 multiplier 3
bfd address-family ipv4 destination x.x.x.x
bfd address-family ipv4 fast-detect
bfd address-family ipv4 minimum-interval 15




router bgp 1

neighbor x.x.x.x
remote-as 100
bfd fast-detect
bfd multiplier 3
bfd minimum-interval 15


Can anyone clarify pros and cons of above different choices ?


Thanks in Advance



Level 1
Level 1
Hello! I'd be also very interested in what the exact difference between configuring bfd in protocol and configuring bfd on the bundle interface would be. Thanks in advance.
Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Aleksandar!


Is the command:


bfd multipath include location 0/X/CPU0  


Mandatory if you want to enable BFD over a satellite interface that's hanging off of a CRS router?

(BFD is not coming up for us)




Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos , 

BFD over Satellite Interfaces for CRS

  1. Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) over satellite interfaces feature enables BFD support on satellite line cards.
  2. Satellite interfaces are known as virtual (bundle) interfaces.
  3. BFD uses multipath infrastructure to support BFD on satellite line cards.
  4. BFD over satellite is a multipath (MP) single-hop session and is supported on IPv4 address, IPv6 global address, and IPv6 link-local address.
  5. BFD over Satellite is supported on the Cisco CRS-3 Modular Services Line Card or the Cisco CRS Modular Services Line Card.


These limitations apply for BFD over Satellite interfaces:

  • BFD async mode is supported on Satellite GigabitEthernet links when they are not part of the bundle.

  • BFD echo mode is not supported on Satellite GigabitEthernet links.

  • BFD over bundles (BOB) is not supported.

  • When the Satellite links are part of the Access Bundle, only BFD over Logical Bundle (BLB) is supported.

  • In BLB, only one BFD session is supported on the bundle.

  • The nV Satellite access port bundles does not support BFD over bundles (BoB) when the Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) is also a bundle (Bundle over Bundle topology).

For more information you can visit the below BFD Configuration Guide for Cisco CRS Routers.

Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone.

I have two questions:


1) What are the exact statements which determine if my bundle of physical ports is running BoB or BLB?


2) If all the physical ports in my bundle are on the same LC and serviced by the same NPU,

a) Do I still need to enable multipath support?

b) May I do HW-Offload?


Thanks all.



Level 1
Level 1

Thank you @Aleksandar Vidakovic for all the great content, including answers to many of the questions.

There is one item in section 26 on BFD Session Not Coming Up that can use an update because the word Location does NOT appear at the beginning of the line:


Current suggestion:
Run 'show bfd session detail | inc "^(Location|MP)"' to confirm that a line card CPU was designated to host the BFD session.

!  ***  Partial output from ASR9K running IOS XR 6.6.3:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router#show bfd session detail | inc "^(Location|MP)"
Sun Dec 26 18:04:14.134 UTC
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK


Substituting I/f for Location:

Revised suggestion:
Run 'show bfd session detail | inc "^(I/f|MP)"' to confirm that a line card CPU was designated to host the BFD session.

!  ***  Partial output from ASR9K running IOS XR 6.6.3:

RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router#show bfd session detail | inc "^(I/f|MP)"
Sun Dec 26 18:04:58.456 UTC
I/f: Bundle-Ether900.712, Location: 0/0/CPU0
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
I/f: Bundle-Ether910.150, Location: 0/0/CPU0
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
I/f: Bundle-Ether910.152, Location: 0/0/CPU0
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
I/f: Bundle-Ether910.154, Location: 0/0/CPU0
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK




Level 1
Level 1

Hi @Aleksandar Vidakovic ,

 We have implemented BFD and BGP graceful restart features to maintain traffic assuming connection loss between BGP peers. The hosts are not directly connected that's why we have BFD enabled to fastly detect link failures. BGP is enabled between two ASR9901 routers and a Fortigate firewall cluster (2 boxes).

The link on the ASR is a Bundle-Ether with sub-interface.

We want that the BFD C-BIT to be at 0, because we want to keep using GR.

how w can do that on ASR9901 or ASR9902 ?




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