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Level 4
Level 4

The Cisco UC500 team is pleased to announce the impending release of Smart Call Connector (SCC) Version 2.2 Beta. This is a Beta of  the maintenance release that that includes udpates for all the CallConnector components -- Server, Advanced Client, Operator and Toolbar. These updates are also available for Cisco CME in the Unified CallConnector (UCC) versions. Please do not use this a business critical system. This is version that you can use to test the new version.

Whats new in SCC 2.2

  • SCC Tool bar to support 32 bit MS Outlook on x64 Bit Windows
  • Support for CME 8.6.
  • Support for German Localization
  • Accumulated Bug fixes.

Download Beta from here

username: scc22beta

password: jingle

Important Bug Fixes:

Please post new bugs and issues found. Some of the important bug fixes are summarized below. For details, please review the release notes document in the download section.


  • Activating Flex License for the Advanced Clients
  • Adding additional Advanced Client licenses
  • Importing contacts to external directory, issues with department field
  • Entering SMTP Server IP Address
  • Phones in different UC500s cannot have same user name
  • Config Manager crash using the Group filter

Advanced Client:

  • Failed to restart SIP Services message
  • Uses duplicate licenses when different networks are used; using up the licenses on the server
  • Crash when Advanced Client exits
  • User presence status not updated on Windows or PC exit.
  • Some cases in which the OL toolbar does not display


  • Queue display issues with parked calls
  • Display of telephone status -- miscellaneous issues


  • Some cases in which contact info is not displayed
Jeremy Koch
Level 1
Level 1

Hi, i have been using this for a few weeks now and i have some bugs to report:

  • VoiceView does not update if you delete a voicemail on the IP Phone
  • more to report i just can remeber them right now but the above bug is a biggy
Jeremy Koch
Level 1
Level 1

OK, so further to this, its got to do with refreshing the VoiceView display area...

Level 4
Level 4

Thanks for the feedback Jeremy, we are looking into it now.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, we have tested the beta version this week. The beta version is much better than the version 2.01.012.

Since we have installed the beta version we haven't any crashes. That's very nice.

We have found the following points, which are not optimal for us:

  • In the "Log" we must scroll down to see the latest call. It isn't possible to sort the history to see the latest call on top of the list.

  • The presence status of some users is sometimes "in a meeting" but the user hasn't a meeting in outlook

  • The size of the window can not be set as wide as the user might like to

  • In normal case we have opened the corporate directory. It would be nice if we search for a contact that it search in all the directorys (external, outlook, corporate). We know that this is possible in the global directory but the users ask for that function in the corporate directory.
Level 1
Level 1

Another big point would be the terminal server support. Would this be possible with the new version?

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Dominique:

1. By default the logs are presented with the latest call at the top. This default can be changed by clicking on the date/time field to reverse the sort order. To return back to the default, click on that field again.

2. Presence status showing "In a Meeting". This issue has come up as a result of the bug fix and is being investigated.

3. Size of window width -- there is a maximum setting. It cannot be made larger that that size.

4. As you have noted, that capability is in the Global Search. The are user interface issues that have caused us to take this approach. For example -- most users want to search only in the selected directory.


SCC Team

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Dominique:

Thank you for your input. There are no plans to provide terminal server support at this time.

SCC Team

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jeremy:

The VoiceView window is updated with a push notification from CUE. Please see tech-notes below for the setup information:


SCC team

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jeremy,

The 3 options: subscribe notify, include envelop and mwi on/off number needs to be configured like the screenshot below + ttps:// in order for Voice View to be updated automatically

CUE configure.png

SCC CallConnector Team

Level 1
Level 1

What about the extension mobility? Does the new version support the extension mobility?

Level 1
Level 1

Hi SCC Team,

I have again a problem with the call logs:

I try to changed the sort order by clicking on the date/time.

But either the log is like this:

The newest call is on page one on the button


or if i click the date/time field again:

the oldest call is on page one on the top.


So you can see it is not possible for me to show the newest call on page one on the top.

I hope you can help me by this problem.



Jeremy Koch
Level 1
Level 1

So are there any new builds for this available? How far away is the release version?

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