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Another Device Access Verification Issue

Level 1
Level 1

I have multiple devices on the same subnet with different SSHv2 ID and password combinations.  Devices x.y.z.1-3 use one set and devices x.y.z.4-254 use another; the former uses the same ID/PW combination as all my other devices do.  So I set up my Device Credential Configuration with three different credential sets for SSHv2 and ordered them top to bottom as follows:
Set x.y.z.4-255 - Include IP address list = x.y.z.*, Exclude IP Address List - x.y.z.1, x.y.z.2 and x.y.z.3

Set x.y.z.1-3 - Include x.y.z.1, x.y.z.2, x.y.z.3, Exclude IP Address List = blank.

Set Default - Include = *.*.*.*, Exclude = x.y.z.*
However, when I run DAV I get "Authentication Failed" for SSHv2 for the devices in x.y.z.4-255.  Now, the system tells me "Exclude Ip Addresses can not be used for Discovery.  They can only be used with Data Collection.  This credential will no be tried on the devices with ip Addresses matching the specified Exclude Ip Addresses.  Are you sure you want to specify Exclude Ip Addresses?"

How in this situation do I perform Device Access Verification and get useful results that will tell me if my Data Collection is going to work correctly?

1 Reply 1

Jarrett Pomeroy
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


It sounds like your profile are setup correctly.  During a DAV job, the CSPC will attempt to use any matching profiles (based on IP Ranges) to try and verify the protocol.  Can you please check as well if the username/password you have configured for SSH work manually from the CSPC CLI?  You can login as the "root" username to issue the commands manually.

Thank you,
