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CSPC Collection Platform Software Upgrade User Manual needs edits

Level 1
Level 1

The April 2022 CSPC upgrade manual is missing important data to properly guide users to successful patching using the CLI.

Here is the link to the guide at: CSPC Upgrade Guide (

The pages in Chapter 3 should be updated to include steps taken to perform the JeOS and SP updates.

There should be an additional step between Step 6 and step 7


Step 6 Unzip the downloaded file and ensure JeOS and SP
are extracted using ls command.

New Step change directory to the unzipped folder to run the executable

[root@cspc opt]# cd collector_2.10.0.2_Build-0

After this step, the steps are in alignment

[root@cspc collector_2.10.0.2_Build-05]# ls -ltr
total 1287420
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2608 Mar 16 05:07
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 862864662 Mar 23 04:52
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 455439147 Apr 4 21:59
[root@cspc collector_2.10.0.2_Build-05]# ./ JeOS
Appliance will auto reboot once the patch installation is completed. Press [y/Y] to proceed for installation, any other key to exit :y

Installing JeOS patch...
Patch installation in-progress, system will auto reboot once the patch installation is completed.
Kindly refer the logs in /opt/LCM/logs/ directory for more information.


Step 7 Apply JeOS using the below command (installation runs in background). Provide the confirmation when
./ JeOS
Step 8 Monitor the installation by executing the following command:
tail -f /opt/LCM/logs/apply



Our installation required us to run the script twice against the JeOS patch, as it did not complete all the way through the first time.  The sample log file was handy to validate the results properly.


Additionally when running the against the SP patch file, there is no sample log output in the manual.

Here is some data we observed from the tail of the apply log;


[collectorlogin@cspc ~]$ tail -f /opt/LCM/logs/apply
[Thu Apr 21 11:34:15 PDT 2022] Calling Procedure
[Thu Apr 21 11:34:16 PDT 2022] Calling
Inside update script
Order Id :
Package Name :
Count : 0
update next package to install
[Thu Apr 21 11:34:18 PDT 2022] End of Script Execution
[Thu Apr 21 11:34:18 PDT 2022] End of Procedure
[Thu Apr 21 11:34:18 PDT 2022] Executing post-install scripts

Broadcast message from root@cspc (Thu 2022-04-21 11:41:28 PDT):

The system is going down for reboot at Thu 2022-04-21 11:42:28 PDT!

[Thu Apr 21 11:41:28 PDT 2022] Executed post-install scripts
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:28 PDT 2022] Installation of software package of type "SP" completed successfully
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:29 PDT 2022] --Component--CSPC Base--CSPC Base |Component |SP | |CSPC Base component |1643024286--sp-30.3.0-1-0-lnx64--
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:29 PDT 2022] else block of status update
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:29 PDT 2022] update version-- Base---Component-------
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:30 PDT 2022] --SP--SP--SP |SP | |sp-30.3.0-1-0-lnx64 |Service Pack maintenance update |1650564578--sp-30.3.0-1-0-lnx64--
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:30 PDT 2022] else block of status update
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:30 PDT 2022] update version--sp-30.3.0-2-0-lnx64---SP---SP-------
[Thu Apr 21 11:41:30 PDT 2022] status db updation completed

1 Reply 1

Buenas tardes,Un gusto saludarte

Se está llevando a cabo la actualización del Common Services Platform Collector (CSPC)  de la versión a la versión, La siguiente es para solicitar tu apoyo para el  inconveniente que se está presentando al momento de descomprimir el archivo, de acuerdo al manual de cisco debo descargar el archivo y colocarlo en el directorio /opt del Collector, una vez allí intento descomprimirlo y me arroja el siguiente error tal como se muestra:

[root@localhost opt]# ls -l
total 1187548
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Jan 24 2022 backup
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 946 May 26 2021 build.txt
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Sep 30 2021 cisco
-r-xr-xr-x. 1 root root 3614 Jan 24 2022
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 1216004590 Jan 25 14:11
drwxr-xr-x. 3 casuser casusers 4096 Jan 24 2022 ConcsoTgw
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Jan 24 2022 java
drwxr-xr-x. 12 casuser casusers 4096 Sep 26 11:18 Jetty
drwxr-xr-x. 10 casuser casusers 4096 Sep 30 2021 LCM
drwxr-xr-x. 3 casuser casusers 4096 Sep 30 2021 wmi

[root@localhost opt]# unzip
error []: missing 38405 bytes in zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb)
[root@localhost opt]# export UNZIP_DISABLE_ZIPBOMB_DETECTION=true
[root@localhost opt]# unzip
error []: missing 38405 bytes in zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb)

Este pequeño detalle no me permite continuar ejecutando los comandos y archivos correspondientes.

Agradecería mucho tu apoyo en cuanto a este inconveniente que se presenta, debido a que se necesita actualizar el colector con el ultimo parche disponible que generó CISCO.

Cualquier duda o comentario estaremos atentos

Saludos y nuevamente agradecido