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Upload processing stopped after upgrade to 2.8.1

Level 1
Level 1

After upgrading our SNTC collector from 2.7.4 to 2.8.1 the upload fails with the message:

"Sheduled upload failed with connectivity exception occurred while processing the request. the exception is :: https transport mode has failed peer not authenticated".

I checked the time sync and the shedule. The discovery was successfull. What else could be wrong? Do I have to re-register the collector?

3 Accepted Solutions

Accepted Solutions

Based on your private message you have been affected by bug CSCvo43779. Please see the proposed workaround for steps to resolve this issue.

View solution in original post

please run a collection to capture new data and an upload to send it to the portal. run a discovery to add devices to the CSPC

View solution in original post

Thanks for the update, please expect a delay in processing on the portal as we work through a backlog of uploads during a recent change window.

View solution in original post

23 Replies 23

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
The error message "https transport mode has failed peer not authenticated" indicates that the expected certificate chain is being disrupted during the SSL connection by a SSL intercept app on your network. Please be sure to whitelist the SNTC portal IP ( and test your upload again.

Hi There,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I don't see how an upgrade from 2.7.4 to 2.8.1 would have changed that.

However, I'll get the proxy engineer to check that IP ( is still whitelisted.

In the meantime, can you please share the Customer name and CSPC Appliance ID in a private message?
Appliance ID = CSPC GUI, Administration-->Server Properties-->Registration Certificate Properties, CSP00090XXXXX

The Proxy enginner and I had a look, and the ( was white listed correctly.

Then, all of a sudden it started to upload succesfully.

He swears he didn't change anything.

So now it's all good, But I don't know why.

I'll check again after the weeked - When it's sheduled to do a discovery/upload again.

Thanks for your assitance.



That's great to hear, please let us know if this comes up again.

Hi, It has again failed it's sheduled upload over the weekend. A manual upload fails too - I'm getting that same error. The proxy guy says it is connecting to your cloud though.

In a private message please provide me the output of the following command while logged in as root;

openssl s_client -connect

Also, please provide the log file from this location;


Based on your private message you have been affected by bug CSCvo43779. Please see the proposed workaround for steps to resolve this issue.

Hi There,

I have applied those workarounds  but they havn't resolved the issue.

The proxy guy says that it's still attempting a nettools connection.

Also, after restarting the collector, some of those workarounds are undone?!

It might be time for a Web-Ex session. What do you think?

Please see the updated workaround;

From root run the following commands in order;

sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/file/#file/1' /opt/ConcsoTgw/tail-end-gateway-decoupled/bin/

sed -i 's/' /opt/ConcsoTgw/tail-end-gateway-decoupled/conf/csof_config.xml

service concsotgw restart

Hi there,

Well, The Collector reports a successfull upload, however, it does not appear in the portal, And i have waited a day.

It might be to do with when i reloaded the entitlement. I see that my Appliance ID has changed when i did that.

It seems to be listed correctly within "All Collectors" on the portal.

On the collector, I checked the upload shedule has "upload to remote server" etc.

Anything you could check on your side?

Can you provide the Appliance ID for the new entitlement please?

Sure, it's CSP0009039650

I can see an upload was processed on 3-11 and 3-12. Can you confirm you see these in your portal now?