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Opinions on Extending Network/VLANs to a remote Office

Level 2
Level 2

We have Corp Office with all of the Company Resources (Mail, web, files) and 30 Employees there all the time, Remote Sales Office A wth 30 People at Most, though maybe 10 Average, and Remote Sales Office B with 10 People and average of maybe 4. 

The Remote Offices have VOIP Phones and Access the Corp Resources and Internet through the Corp Office Connection. 

All offices have SG300 Switches.

My Question is for Bandwidth efficiency is it better to Extend the Corp Office VLAN to the Remote Office and then Layer 3 VLAN Routing to the Local Remote Office Subnet, or is it better to Extend the Remote Office VLAN to the Corp Office and have the Corp Office do all of the routing?

Its Currently setup as Follows

Corp Office Remote Office A Remote Office B
     Local VLANs 101, 204,192,198      VLANs 102, 106       VLANs 104, 107 
     Extended VLANs 101, 204, 192      Extended VLANs 101, 204, 192
SG300-28p SG300-10 SG00-10

VLANs 204 and 192 are for Customers to Access the internet via WiFi Access Point at the remote office. 

So Should I bring the 102, 104, 106, 107 back to Corp?  I'm concerned that the 101 Subnet and its Broadcast/ARP Traffic may be clogging the pipe. 

Opinions, suggestions and comments welcome. 

Thank you,

2 Replies 2


What is the bandwidth to the remote offices?

If you have different Vlans at the remote offices I can't see the point in bringing them back to HO, it would be better to do the L3 routing at the branch offices.

Also if you have backup links to the branch offices how do you handle the traffic then?

for bandwidth efficiency (I take it you have a L2 WAN setup)  keep your vlan 101 in HO, and have a separate vlan just for the WAN link



Corp to Office A = 100MB

Corp to Office A = 50MB

There is no WAN Subnet, Its an Ethernet handoff on either end, so its like a Ethernet Bridge. We have each end plugged into an SG300 Switch.  If they were plugged into a Unmanaged switch it would just pass the traffic like any other switch port. 

I was just thinking of Subnet Traffic/Broadcast volume. The remote offices have less traffic/broadcasts, so extending them to the Corp might use less of the WAN connection vs. extending the Corp VLAN to the remote offices. 

Thank you,