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SG500X - Using SFP+

Level 1
Level 1

I've read and re-read the manual and documentation on my switch and I'm still not getting the answers I need to move forward. Any input would be helpful!!

I have a SG500X-24 stackable switch. I'm attempting to connect to our Frontier ISP connection using the XG port. I have the switch in Standalone mode (it is unstacked), and I have a Cisco SFP (10GBASE-SR) plugged up, multimode fiber, less than 200m distance. I cannot for the life of me get this port up. This module cannot be seen using Optical Module Status, I've gone from Cable Matters brand to Cisco in hopes that would resolve the issue.


What key info am I missing here?!



5 Replies 5

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

as per i know this 10G module SFP support on that model :


Remove the cable from FW side - did you see the light on the Fibre ? 

Connect back to FW, remove the patch on switch side - check do you see the light on the fibre ?


is this going via any patch panel, try to twist the patch like below and test it.











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Thank you for your reply. Yes, you can see light at both ends. The fiber was run by a company (recently) and the Frontier technician even said it was fine after testing. They cannot however see our SFP module. I think the problem lies within the switch.... 


I assume, set static IP for that port (provided by ISP) and it shouldn't need a lot of setting changes... 

if you plug the SFP on switch side - you see SFP plugged in and you able to see interface have SFP, if that is first step ?

next you see the light on SFP also, if admin state up that is next step.



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Hi BB,

I plug in the SFP and cannot see it from the switch. I am using Cisco (10G-BASE-SR). In the manual it says these work... but I get no lights or status in Optical Module Status page. I am thinking perhaps I need to use something else, but the documentation is confusing. I am in Standalone mode, so XG1 should be networking port as I've read. 

If the Cisco SFP is not recognized, may that need to be tested different device or a different port? is the 10G-SR new one ?


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