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3750E boot failure after software upgrade

Level 1
Level 1


We have been upgrading our 3750E switches.  3 of the 4 have been fine.  The 4th wont boot from the image but will start from the older original image 12.2(44)SE1.

Anyone got any ideas of what I am missing?

Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE1,  RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco  Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 25-Sep-09 07:33 by sasyamal
Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x02400000

: Unexpected exception to CPUvector 200,  PC = C82744 
-Traceback= C82744

=== Flushing  messages () ===

Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M),  Version 12.2(55)SE1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Copyright (c)  1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 25-Sep-09  07:33 by sasyamal

Machine Check Exception (0x0200)!
ESR:  0x00000000, BESRA: 0x00000000, BESRB: 0x00000000, BEAR: 0x00000000

CPU Register  Context:
Vector = 0x00000200  PC = 0x00C82744  MSR =  0x00029230  CR = 0x00000000
LR = 0x00C79238  CTR =  0x00000000  XER = 0xA000000E
R0 = 0x00000000  R1 =  0x03876160  R2 = 0x00000000  R3 = 0x00000000
R4 = 0x00C82744   R5 = 0x00029230  R6 = 0x00000000  R7 = 0xBEEFCAFE
R8 =  0x038863AC  R9 = 0x03430000  R10 = 0x03338A78  R11 = 0x03338A68
R12 = 0x30000033  R13 = 0x00110000  R14 = 0x01AE02A0  R15 =  0x00000000
R16 = 0x00000000  R17 = 0x00000000  R18 =  0x00000000  R19 = 0x00000000
R20 = 0x00000000  R21 =  0x00000000  R22 = 0x00000000  R23 = 0x00000000
R24 =  0x00000000  R25 = 0x00000000  R26 = 0x00000000  R27 = 0x00000000
R28 = 0x00000000  R29 = 0x00000000  R30 = 0x00000000  R31 =  0x00000000

Stack  trace:
PC = 0x00C82744, SP = 0x03876160
Frame 00: SP = 0x00000000    PC = 0x01AFA96C

uptime is 3 seconds



4 Replies 4

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE1

Judging from your post it's booting 12.2(55)SE1 with traceback.

Machine Check Exception (0x0200)!

Upgrade the IOS to the 4th switch again.  The command should be "archive download-sw /dest 4 tftp:///.tar".

Alternatively, you can plug a USB drive into the USB port with the IOS archive image and use the command "archive download-sw /dest 4 usbflash:///.tar".

Reza Sharifi
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

In addition to what Leo noted, can you check switch 4 to see if the flash has enough space for the new image?

To give an idea, you can compare the flash size with one of the other switches that is working



Level 1
Level 1

Hi Guys,

The image size matches the other switches so I dont think this is a corrupt ios.  We did try and download it from various sources but always with the same result on this particular switch.  Note that we have successfull upgrade 7 of the 8 units we have to this firmware its just this one thats having the problem.



The image size matches the other switches so I dont think this is a corrupt ios.

Hi Richard,

Image size isn't a foolproof way.  Get the MD5 and compare the value. 

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