I have two 6880's. They were configured for VSS. Then I wanted to separate them and make them stand alone. When I did that the switch A came up fine. But the switch B did not go back to switch B it stayed switch A and erased the configuration for the interafces. Is there anyway to get that switch to go back to switch B or do I have to do the config over again?
Hi Bryan,
I hope you have perfomed the below configiration on step by setp process to make VSS pair to standalone switches.
Switch-1# switch convert mode stand-alone
Note :- When you convert the active chassis to standalone mode, the active chassis removes the provisioning and configuration information related to VSL links and the peer chassis modules, saves the configuration file, and performs a reload.
The standby chassis of the VSS becomes active
and perfom the same command in switch 2 as well
Switch-2# switch convert mode stand-alone
Hope it Helps
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