I am upgrading a C9407R (2 supervisors installed) form 16.12.4 to 17.3.4
and another one from 16.9.2 to 17.3.4
I know I cannot use ISSU to jump form 16.X to 17.X (don't really need ISSU anyway).
I see some conflicting information on the Net on how to upgrade a 9400 with 2 sups!
My question is:
Should I use the install command with the 2 sup connected or should I install command on only one sup at a time?
-->remove standby sup > upgrade active > put back inactive > remove newly upgraded sup > then upgrade the last one?
With command: "install add file bootflash:cat9k_iosxe.17.03.04.SPA.bin activate commit" both cases.
In my understanding, it should be fine if I upgrade with both supervisors connected. Just checking if I am not missing something/issues with a particular IOS version.
Thanks guys!