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Catalyst 2924M reset (or password reset) doesn't work

Kyujin Choi
Level 1
Level 1

Swtich is working condition. (POST test passed)

I could reset my 2 switches, but other 2 switch coudln't.

I held "Mode" button until fa0/1 light is off. it goes to below section (swtich:)

The problem is this switch was treaked because flash:config.text flash:config.text.old      (flash command doesn't work, i can't even see command list from help command)

I did lilke this

- go to (switch:) mode (holding mode button until fa0/1 is off)

- flash_init (it works)

- dir flash:

If you have any idea, it will be appreciated.

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat                                                 

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text 

  - I can't delete or rename config.text because of permission.

  - normal password reset method doesn't work  (flash:config.text)   I guess previous owner of switch, he treaked this.


% Access denied              


C2900XL Boot Loader (C2900-HBOOT-M) Version 12.0(5.3)WC(1), MAINTENANCE INTERIM                                                                              


Compiled Mon 30-Apr-01 07:34 by devgoyal                                       


Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:09:43:01:36:80                                           

Xmodem file system is available.                               

The system has been interrupted prior to initializing the                                                        

flash filesystem.  The following commands will initialize                                                        

the flash filesystem, and finish loading the operating                                                     

system software:               




switch: flash_init                 


flashfs[0]: 4 files, 1 directories                                 

flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories                                                   

flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 3612672                               

flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 1817088                              

flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 1795584                                   

flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 6 seconds.                                       

...done Initializing Flash.                          

Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3                                              

Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4                                                  

switch: load_helper                  

switch: help           

           ? -- Present list of available commands                                                 

        boot -- Load and boot an executable image                                                

         cat -- Concatenat                       

        copy -- Copy a file                          

      delete -- Delete file(s)                             

         dir -- List files in directories                                        

  flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)                                             

      format -- Format a filesystem                                  

        fsck -- Check filesystem consistency                                           

        help -- Present list of available commands                                                 

load_helper -- Load and initialize a helper image                                                 

      memory -- Present memory heap utilization information                                                          

       mkdir -- Create dir(s)                            

        more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)                                            

      rename -- Rename a file                            

       reset -- Reset                   

       rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)                                  

         set -- Set or display environment variables                                                   

   set_param -- Set system parameters in flash                                             

       sleep -- Sleep a specified number of seconds                                                  

        trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur                                                   

        type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

       unset -- Unset one or more environment variables                                                      

     version -- Display boot loader version                                          

switch: dir          

List of filesystems currently registered:                                        

               flash[0]: (read-write)                                    

              xmodem[1]: (read-only)                                   

                null[2]: (read-write)                                    

                  bs[3]: (read-only)                                   

switch: dir flash                

unable to stat flash/: permission denied                                       

switch: flash dir                

usage: flash_init                

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat                                                 

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text                                                    

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)                                           

switch: flash:config.text flash:                              

Unknown cmd: flash:config.text                             

switch: help           

           ? -- Present list of available commands                                                 

        boot -- Load and boot an executable image                                                

         cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

        copy -- Copy a file                          

      delete -- Delete file(s)                             

         dir -- List files in directories                                        

  flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)                                             

      format -- Format a filesystem                                  

        fsck -- Check filesystem consistency                                           

        help -- Present list of available commands                                                 

load_helper -- Load and initialize a helper image                                                

      memory -- Present memory heap utilization information                                                          

       mkdir -- Create dir(s)                            

        more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)                                            

      rename -- Rename a file                            

       reset -- Reset the system                               

       rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)                                  

         set -- Set or display environment variables                                                   

   set_param -- Set system parameters in flash                                             

       sleep -- Sleep a specified number of seconds                                                  

        trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur                                                   

        type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

       unset -- Unset one or more e                                

     version -- Display boot loader version                                          

switch: ?        

           ? -- Present list of available commands                                                 

        boot -- Load and boot an executable image                                                

         cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

        copy -- Copy a file                          

      delete -- Delete file(s)                             

         dir -- List files in directories                                        

  flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)                                             

      format -- Format a filesystem                                  

        fsck -- Check filesystem consistency                                           

        help -- Present list of available commands                                                 

load_helper -- Load and initialize a he                                      

      memory -- Present memory heap utilization information                                                          

       mkdir -- Create dir(s)                            

        more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)                                            

      rename -- Rename a file                            

       reset -- Reset the system                              

       rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)                                  

         set -- Set or display environment variables                                                   

   set_param -- Set system parameters in flash                                             

       sleep -- Sleep a specified number of seconds                                                  

        trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur                                                   

        type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

       unset -- Unset one or more e                                

     version -- Display boot loader version                                          

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat                                                 

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text                                                    

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)                                           

switch: delete config.text                         

Are you sure you want to delete "config.text" (y/n)?y                                                    

File "config.text" not deleted -- permission denied                                                  

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat                                                 

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text                                                    

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)                                           

switch: ?        

           ? -- Present list of available commands                                                 

        boot -- Load and boot an executable image                                                

         cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

        copy -- Copy a file                          

      delete -- Delete file(s)                             

         dir -- List files in directories                                        

  flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)                                             

      format -- Format a filesystem                                  

        fsck -- Check filesystem consistency                                           

        help -- Present list of available commands                                                 

load_helper -- Load and initialize a helper image                                                 

      memory -- Present memory heap utilization information                                                          

       mkdir -- Create dir(s)                            

        more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)                                            

      rename -- Rename a file                            

       reset -- Reset the system                               

       rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)                                  

         set -- Set or display environment variables                                                   

   set_param -- Set system parameters in flash                                             

       sleep -- Sleep a specified number of seconds                                                  

        trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur                                                   

        type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

       unset -- Unset one or more environment variables                                                      

     version -- Display boot loader version                                          

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat                                                 

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text                                                    

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)                                           

switch: rename ?               

usage: rename <old_name> <new_name>                                  

switch: flash ?              

usage: flash_init                

switch: rename config.text config.text.old                                         

rename: no such file or directory                                

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin                                                                        

3    -rwx  316       <date>               env_vars                                                 

4    -rwx  796       <date>                                                

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text                                                    

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)                                           

switch: ls         

Unknown cmd: ls              

switch: dir          

List of filesystems currently registered:                                        

               flash[0]: (read-write)                                    

              xmodem[1]: (read-only)                                   

                null[2]: (read-write)                                    

                  bs[3]: (read-only)                                   

switch: elp          

Unknown cmd: elp               

switch: help           

           ? -- Present list of available commands                                                 

        boot -- Load and boot an executable image                                                

         cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

        copy -- Copy a file                          

      delete -- Delete file(s)                             

         dir -- List files in directories                                        

  flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)                                             

      format -- Format a filesystem                                  

        fsck -- Check filesystem consistency                                           

        help -- Present list of available commands                                                 

load_helper -- Load and initialize a helper image                                                 

      memory -- Present memory heap utilization information                                                          

       mkdir -- Create dir(s)                            

        more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)                                            

      rename -- Rename a file                            

       reset -- Reset                   

       rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)                                  

         set -- Set or display environment variables                                                   

   set_param -- Set system parameters in flash                                             

       sleep -- Sleep a specified number of seconds                                                  

        trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur                                                   

        type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)                                         

       unset -- Unset one or more environment variables                                                      

     version -- Display boot loader version                                          

switch: cat config.text                      

config.text: permission denied                             

switch: set ?            

switch: set          












switch: set_param                

Burning parameters into flash parameter block:                                             

    MAC address: 00:09:43:01:36:80                                 

Reading parameter block...done.                              

Editing copy...done.                   

Writing parameter block...done.                              

Parameters burned into parameter block.                                      

switch: dir flash:                 

Directory of flash:/                   

2    -rwx  1811155   <date>               c2900xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC13.bin      

4    -rwx  796       <date>               vlan.dat

5    -rwx  2740      <date>               config.text

6    -rwx  319       <date>               env_vars

1795584 bytes available (1817088 bytes used)

switch: delete vlan.dat

Are you sure you want to delete "vlan.dat" (y/n)?y

File "vlan.dat" not deleted -- permission denied

switch: rename ?

usage: rename <old_name> <new_name>

switch: rename config.text oldconfig.text

rename: no such file or directory

switch: rename config.text

usage: rename <old_name> <new_name>

switch: rename config.text oldconfig.text

rename: no such file or directory



switch: flash:config.text flash:config.text.old

Unknown cmd: flash:config.text

switch: delete config.text

Are you sure you want to delete "config.text" (y/n)?yes

File "config.text" not deleted -- permission denied


2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

These devices are very limited when in Rommon mode.  You are typing "rename config.text config.old"  and "delete config.text."  I have never know this syntax to work when in Rommon.  Because the switch has no idea where to find the file, it gives you an unhelpful error message.  Try using "rename flash:config.text flash:config.old"  if you want to keep the old configs for some reason, or if you don't try "delete flash:config.text."

Hope this helps,


Ganesh Hariharan
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


Check out the below link for step by step procedure for password reset in 2900 switches

Hope to Help !!


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