Dear all,
I have a Small Business Managed switch Cisco 300-24 ports.
I'm developping a C program to locate some devices connected to the cisco 300-24 switch on a local network. For that I need to access to the dynamic addresses table of the switch.
I can see this table manually via the web interface (http, https) or through the texttview interface (telnet, ssh). But my goal is to get this table automatically from for example a shell script or directly from my C program which already embed the libssh library (
Although the Cisco 300 Series is designed to be deployed without using a command-line interface (CLI) likes on standard cisco IOS. Then, the cisco 300-24 does not provide command-lines likes "mac-address-table dynamic" to get directly the dynamic address table.
How can I access directly to the dynamic address table on the cisco 300-24?
Is there a way, some software update, or configuration to disable the textview interface as well to revert to the standard cisco IOS CLI?
I am very blocked by this point Please help me!!
Feel free for further info.