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Cisco 877W Radio country code is not properly programmed in eeprom, value 65535

cadet alain
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi everybody,

I've got a problem with Wifi on a 877W, once I configure a ssid under the dott11radio interface the router crashes.

Here's what I get:

CMD: 'ssid wifi-877' 02:44:16 UTC Fri Mar 1 2002

*Mar  1 02:44:16.810: %DOT11-6-FREQ_SCAN: Interface Dot11Radio0, Scanning frequencies for 52 seconds

*Mar  1 02:44:16.810: %DOT11-3-POWERS_INVALID: Interface Dot11Radio0, no valid power levels available

*Mar  1 02:44:16.814: %DOT11-3-POWERS_INVALID: Interface Dot11Radio0, no valid power levels available

02:44:20 UTC Fri Mar 1 2002: Unexpected exception to CPU: vector 300, PC = 0x80491AAC, LR = 0x80477D18

-Traceback= 0x80491AACz 0x80477D18z 0x80479468z 0x80479544z 0x803EF468z 0x803F6EB0z 0x803F8438z 0x80385C30z 0x8036CC00z

CPU Register Context:

MSR = 0x00009032  CR  = 0x24008022  CTR = 0x80491A24  XER   = 0x00000000

R0  = 0x80477D18  R1  = 0x8462F240  R2  = 0xFFF4FFF4  R3    = 0x846D7144

R4  = 0x00000001  R5  = 0x00000000  R6  = 0x00000001  R7    = 0x00000000

R8  = 0x846D769C  R9  = 0x80491A24  R10 = 0x00000001  R11   = 0x00000000

R12 = 0x24008022  R13 = 0x8FFFFF30  R14 = 0x803F82BC  R15   = 0x00000000

R16 = 0x00000000  R17 = 0x00000000  R18 = 0x00000000  R19   = 0x00000000

R20 = 0x0000003C  R21 = 0x83540000  R22 = 0x00000000  R23   = 0x00000001

R24 = 0x00000000  R25 = 0x8462F778  R26 = 0x846D7144  R27   = 0x8468E044

R28 = 0x846D7144  R29 = 0x00000000  R30 = 0x0000000D  R31   = 0x00000001

And the  crashinfo file has got this info:

Radio country code is not properly programmed in eeprom, value 65535

Can anyone tell me if this is a faulty hardware or a faulty software or firmware.



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2 Replies 2

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Update IOS and check again.

Hi Paolo,

Sorry for replying so late but I was rather busy and still couldn't try your solution.

Will let you know if it solved the issue and rate appropriately.



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