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Etherchannel to IBM BladeSwitch (Cisco)

Level 1
Level 1


I'm trying to negotiate an etherchannel between a 3750G and a CIGESM in an IBM Blade Chassis. The CIGESM is currently setup with an etherchannel to a 3550 XL 12 port switch using copper gbics. However, I'm in the process of migrating these connections to the 3750G. It's a layer 2 etherchannel only in swithcport mode access "mode" only carrying VLAN 1 traffic. I've tried basically every config possible, but it just won't come up on the 3750G. I've tried channel-group xx mode on/passive/active/nonegotiate, etc. Even tried with dot1q trunking and no luck. On the 3550, it works just fine. There are 2 ports in the etherchannel, but I can't even get one working.

3550 Config:

int po1

sw mode access

int gi0/1

sw mode access

channel-group x mode on

int gi0/2

channel-group x mode on

Same config does not work on the 3750G.

Any help is appreciated.



5 Replies 5

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

How is the bladecenter setup ? Just match the parameters on each side . There should no reason for it not to come up. Both ends of the link should match for the etherchannel . Shutdown the ports you are dealing and you should just be able to copy the parameters out of the bladecenter end and then bring both ports up at the same time . I always let it negotiate the channel using either pagp or lacp, though some people prefer to force them on . . Make sure the ports are switchports and not routed ports .

For LACP it is as simple as

channel-group x mode active --> same on both ends .

For pagp

channel-group x mode desirable non-silent --> same on both ends.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Jay,

I'm having exactly the same problem with 3750s and blade switches... did you get a resolution with this please

Regards tony

Level 1
Level 1

Try the following on both sides (i.e. 3750G as well as the Blade switch)

channel-group x mode active

channel-protocol lacp

I got a related issue with Cisco 6500 & Hp blade. The blade's management ip needs to be on vlan 1 & those servers that will be inserted on the HP blade needs to be on diff vlan. i.e. vlan 2.

What could be the possible solution for each subnet to work with each other? only trunking?


The switches are normally managed thru the connection to the network management module of the bladecenter itself and does not ride the connection to the cisco bladeswitches so really vlan 2 is the only vlan needed to ride the switch connection.

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