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IOS ---Need Help--2620-XM

Level 1
Level 1


I have cisco 2620-XM. I have one ADSL WIC Card, one Serial and One FastEthernet in the router.

From the cisco website i download the IOS which needs 64 MG and 16 MG Flash. I do have 64 memory, but when i download it on the ROuter i get a message saying " Not Enough Space on Device". I erase my old IOS on the Router then download the new IOS, what am i over looking. Can someone guide me or suggest me which one to use. Following is my Router output


Router#sh ver

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.1(18), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Tue 03-Dec-02 02:39 by kellythw

Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x80CF5CCC

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(7r) [cmong 7r], RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Router uptime is 4 minutes

System returned to ROM by reload

System image file is "flash:c2600-is-mz.121-18.bin"

cisco 2620XM (MPC860) processor (revision 0x100) with 49152K/16384K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID JAD071305V5 (1789417009)

M860 processor: part number 5, mask 2

Bridging software.

X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.

1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

1 Serial network interface(s)

32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Configuration register is 0x2102


THIS IS THE IOS I am trying to ownload --------> c2600-spservicesk9-mz.123-8.ZA1.bin.

Is there any IOS which will recognize my ADSL WIC Card with what i have in the router " sh ver" . Am i over looking something, kindly suggest. It's very important. Any help will be appreciated.



1 Accepted Solution

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The fact you have "k9" in the filename is an indication that IOS supports encryption and has advanced security enhancements. It also has "sp" in the filename so this is a "service provider" image.

Such IOS usually is bigger in size so I doubt that IOS is a 64/16 Memory/Flash requirement.

I still can't find it anywhere but this IOS c2600-ipbase-mz.123-26.bin does meet the Memory/Flash requirement and supports ADSL.

A closer match to the IOS you've downloaded and I was able to find is c2600-spservicesk9-mz.123-9.bin and the Memory/Flash requirement is 96/32, therefore, I'm not sure where you are getting 64/16 from the IOS you have.




View solution in original post

4 Replies 4

Edison Ortiz
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I can't seem to find this filename: c2600-spservicesk9-mz.123-8.ZA1.bin anywhere.

Are you sure you are downloading 12.3(8)ZA1 ?

Can you post the output of typing dir flash: ?





Following is what i have in my flash

Router#sh flash

System flash directory:

File Length Name/status

1 7718692 c2600-is-mz.121-18.bin

[7718756 bytes used, 9058460 available, 16777216 total]

16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write).

The IOS "c2600-spservicesk9-mz.123-8.ZA1.bin " I couldn't download due to the error as not enough Space. So i reverted back to c2600-is-mz.121-18.bin ...Any ideas which IOS to use in order to get ADSL WIC recognized with the amount of Memory/Flash i have. Kindly suggest.



The fact you have "k9" in the filename is an indication that IOS supports encryption and has advanced security enhancements. It also has "sp" in the filename so this is a "service provider" image.

Such IOS usually is bigger in size so I doubt that IOS is a 64/16 Memory/Flash requirement.

I still can't find it anywhere but this IOS c2600-ipbase-mz.123-26.bin does meet the Memory/Flash requirement and supports ADSL.

A closer match to the IOS you've downloaded and I was able to find is c2600-spservicesk9-mz.123-9.bin and the Memory/Flash requirement is 96/32, therefore, I'm not sure where you are getting 64/16 from the IOS you have.




Hello Edison...

You the Man.....

Thanks alot..for the help. Download the IOS and it recognized my ADSL WIC Card...



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