Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-15-2004

User Statistics

  • 83 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Given
  • 5 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, Guys i need someinput. I have got a Cisco 2621-XM router with IOS "flash:c2600-js-mz.123-19.bin". I am trying to have the connection from my ADSL Router to the Gig-E port Connection on the Cisco GSR. Following is my CE config. Has anyone d...
Hello, I would like to get input on VTP Modes. We have 3 Modes, Server ( Create, delete, change) VLAN information.Client Mode where you cannot delete/add or change VLAN.So if i have a switch 3550 which is in Server Mode, then according to Server Mo...
Hello, I am searching cisco website and also Google, but any of you know how to get bgp restrictive routing defined on Cisco GSR (so the customer gets ONLY a default route instead of the full routing table) in BGPThanks
Hello, I have cisco 2620-XM. I have one ADSL WIC Card, one Serial and One FastEthernet in the router. From the cisco website i download the IOS which needs 64 MG and 16 MG Flash. I do have 64 memory, but when i download it on the ROuter i get a me...
Hello, I have a Cisco 2621 but after loading the IOS i am getting alot of problems. I successfully loaded the IOS from rommon> Mode but Router keeps " decompressing" the image with some errors. Can someone guide.I can go into the rommon> mode whe...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-15-2004 04:25 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 83
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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