Have a stack of 5x 3750’s connected via stack masters cables, running IOS version: c3750-i9-mz.121-19.EA1c.bin. I would like to upgrade the IOS version to: c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE1.bin. The issue is that I’m not able to address the each flash individually to copy nes IOS over.
Present switch config is as follows:
Stack of 5 x 3750’s
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image
------ ----- ----- ---------- ----------
* 1 52 WS-C3750-48P 12.1(19)EA1c C3750-I9-M
2 52 WS-C3750-48P 12.1(19)EA1c C3750-I9-M
3 52 WS-C3750-48P 12.1(19)EA1c C3750-I9-M
4 52 WS-C3750-48P 12.1(19)EA1c C3750-I9-M
5 52 WS-C3750-48P 12.1(19)EA1c C3750-I9-M
Normally, you could view and update each individual flash on each switch by referring:
Sh flash1:
Sh flash2:
Sh flash3:
Sh flash4:
Sh flash5:
copy tftp flash1:
copy tftp flash2:
copy tftp flash3: etc......
However, in this version of IOS, the stack only responds to flash: & flash1: both referring to the master switch. Thus leaving the only option of updating the master switch. When you do this, the stack comes up, minus the switch which has just been updated. Not good.
I think this IOS version is old and does not let you view multiple flashes. Are there any thoughts on how best to tackle this? Please advice