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Microsoft NLB VMware

stephen jeffrey
Level 1
Level 1

Hi, I have a number of VMware hosts plugged into an 4500. They are using Etherchannels. Some of the guests use MS NLB set as multicast,

I get the need for a static ARP and MAC entries and these have been added and all is well. 

I need to migrate to a new set of hosts connected to a 3850 switch again by etherchannel, which is in turn connected to the 4500 via an etherchannel. 

So I added the etherchannel that links the two switches to the static mac entry. I then added a static MAC entry to the 3850 to include the uplink to the 4500 and also the etherchannels for the new hosts. 

Basically I cant get it to work. I needed to use the actual physical ports in the static MAC entry on the 3850, using the portchannel interfaces didn't work.

When I migrate a guest with NLB from old to new hosts the old (via 4500) cannot see the new ( via 3850) If I take the static MAC entry out Everything works. Because I assume it is flooding. Any ideas on how I can get this setup whilst I migrate between the hosts?


1 Reply 1

Rolf Fischer
Level 9
Level 9


I needed to use the actual physical ports in the static MAC entry on the 3850, using the portchannel interfaces didn't work.

What do you mean by "didn't work"? Didn't the 3850 accept the static configuration?

c3850-12s#show version | incl 3k
*    1 20    WS-C3850-12S       03.06.04.E        cat3k_caa-universalk9 INSTALL

c3850-12s#(config)#mac address-table static 03bf.c0a8.7b7b vlan 999 interface port-channel 1

c3850-12s#show mac address-table static
999    03bf.c0a8.7b7b    STATIC      Po1

This is a lab switch and at least I was able to configure a static multicast MAC entry for NLB as usual. Is this configuration similar to yours?

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