Hi there,
On my Nexus 3548 switch, I'm wanting to create a filtered SPAN session to port mirror only UDP data from one Ethernet port to another:
switch(config)# ip access-list acl-udp-only
switch(config-acl)# permit udp any any
switch(config-acl)# exit
switch(config)# monitor session 1
switch(config-monitor)# source interface ethernet 1/1 both
switch(config-monitor)# destination interface ethernet 1/10
switch(config-monitor)# filter ip access-group acl-udp-only
switch(config-monitor)# exit
As this data is latency-sensitive, I'm interested in understanding the latency cost of such filtered port mirroring:
- Compared to unfiltered port mirroring, does adding an ACL rule to filter packet data increase the switch's port mirroring latency?
- Under "normal mode", what would the expected latency be for this filtered port mirroring?
- Can this filtered port mirroring also be performed under "warp mode"? If so, by how much would the expected latency be reduced?