I have a situation where the dhcp relay does not work in catalyst environments (2960x) when the catalyst is uplinked to the nexus.
Two catalyst 2960x are stacked and connect to Nexus 5K via VPC 10G uplink. I have a DHCP server sitting on VLAN 3000 and clients are sitting on VLAN 3200 and 3300, multiplte DHCP scope are configured on the DHCP server for different VLAN
VLAN 3000 and 3200, 3300 are created on both Nexus and Catalyst, dhcp relay command is configured on both Nexus and Catalyst. Clients that are on the nexus are able to talk to dhcp server and get the IP but the clients that are on the catalyst are not able to talk to dhcp server and get the IP. But if I assign a static IP to the clients on catalyst it can talk to hosts in other vlan and switches and DHCP server as well.
Any thoughts, sample config or reference architecture would be appreciated !!