[CORE] ----------> [IBM BC Cisco switchs]--------->[Bladeservers G0/1-14]--------->[ESXi/vmware]
I configured a RSPAN in our core switch to sniff VoIP traffic for a recorder. That vlan is passed from the Core to the IBM BC Switches and the switches have 14 virtual gig switch ports. These virtual ports have all of the same vlans configured as a trunk and we're running vmware ESXi on the servers. I caused a big outage by adding the following commands...
monitor session 1 source remote vlan 999
monitor session 1 destination interface gigbitethernet 0/1 - 14
Anyone have any suggestions on how to configure an RSPAN through a IBM BC and vmware? I created a new port group in vmware for a remote vlan and assigned it to a vswitch as normal but i think the RSPAN destination command caused the outage.