Im having two Cisco 3650 switches stacked together, with that im having four HP 1810 24G web based switches connected to it with no management IPs assigned(flat network).for redundancy two ports from each HP switch is connected to each stacked switche,eg- HPSW1 Fa 24 and 23 connects to Cisco 3650 gig 1/0/1 and 2/0/1 (incase the stack fails,connectivity will still work with one cisco swich)
As normal practice a port-channel should implemented for each of the HP switches with the respective Cisco switch ports,or spanning tree priority should be set to avoid loops.
Since setting port-channel from the HP switch end to the Cisco failed, we had to remove the config on both ends, now only the Cisco ports are set as trunk-ports (no vlans configured as yet)
Correct me if im wrong,surprisingly all the connections are working fine with no loops or blocking messages and I see all the relevant ports up.
1)My concern is how could it be possible that all the relevant ports are up?
2)What are the vulnerabilities if vlans are configured?