We have problem with a TMS server: the TMSLiveService and the IIS will on a daily basis lock up the server and utilize 100% of the CPU, making the TMS server fail in setting upp booked conferences.
When this happens, we just restart the TMSLiveService and IIS services and the CPU usage is back to 10-30%.
I would like to know what we can do to stop this happening or how to diagnose the problem?
It's a fairly large installation with 1000+ Cisco Endpoints.
The TMS is running on a Windows 2008R2 64Bit Virtual server with 2 CPUs configured for this server. 8 Gig RAM.
- TMS 14.3.2
- TMSPE 1.1.0 (Not using opends)
- SQL server is SQL 2008R2 running on Windows 2008R2 64Bit Virtual Server with 2 CPUs configured for this server. 8 Gig RAM.
We could of course throw more CPU and memory on the server, but I rather like to understand the problem.
We will upgrade the TMS at a later time to version 14.5, but can not do that just now. So I really would like to find a way to make the TMSLiveService behave.