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help in regards to regex for vsc

gavin han
Level 1
Level 1


I need some help with regex.

1) any pattern that starts with 15 and if it is 12 to 15 digit long (including 1st digits 15) than consider it as a good match and then send the call to destination zone

2) any pattern that meets requirements in (1) but if it has "" than take out "" from the pattern and send that 12 to 15 digit pattern to destination zone.

3) any incoming call that is valid URL or DN i.e. if url is or h323:xxxyyyzzzz than consider it as a valid URI or DN and send it to the destination zone.

what would be regex to accomplish requirements in 1,2,3.

I'm kinda new to regex. is there a good tutorial for regex with examples.

Thanks all for your help.

2 Replies 2

Level 3
Level 3

you can do 1 and 2 with something along the lines of:
regex: (15\d{10,13})(@domain\.com)?
replacement: \1

this is 15 follow by min10, max 13 more digits with optional (the . between domain and com is escaped as . is a special character in regular expressions)
then the replacement is just the first capture group and not the second capture group so if there is a it's removed.

This is a good reference -

Level 7
Level 7


there are many great regex references online, one of them being

The 'Check pattern' tool (Maintenace > Tools > Check pattern) on the VCS itself is also a great tool for validating regular expressions for making sure that regex expressions work the way you intended them to.

Now regarding the specific patterns you requested, I'll give it a go (These come without warranty ):


Pattern string: 15\d{10,13}

Pattern behavior: Leave


Pattern string: (15\d{10,13})(@domain\.com)?

Pattern behavior: Replace

Replace string: \1

3) The following regex would match a called alias which is either a URI (something@domain.tld) or a DN entirely consisting of digits. Please note that the '.' regex matches any character except newline:


The above regex is not very strict in terms of the URL part, it will match

1 or more characters followed by an @-symbol followed by 1 or more characters followed by a punctuation followed by 1 or more characters.

Hope this helps you on the way

- Andreas