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Attempt forward to mail box using a CallHandler

Level 1
Level 1


I am trying to work out this call flow using unity AA and a single call routing rule(forwarded calls).


Prompt->Press 1 -- Dial another Extension

Press 2 -- Leave voice mail

Press 0 -- operator

I am able to get the option 1 (Caller system transfer) and option 0(Operator) work but not sure how to make option 2 to work.

The problem I am facing is making Single rule work for all the subscribers.

Any suggestions



8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

First, Unity version?

So, I'm not entirely sure what problem you're having here - you mapped "1" to go somewhere to dial an extension, 0 to go to the operator and 2 to "take message" for a call handler's greeting, right? So when you press 2, what is happening?

Not sure what you mean by "making single rule work for all subscribers" here...

unity 4.0(2)

when I press "2" I would like the system to take the

caller to "attempt forward" rule or rather allow

the caller to leave a message for the extension he dialed.

But I am not able to find any "Send call to " which will do this funtion.

What I mean by single rule is one rule for all the extensions.

If I write multiple rules for multiple subscribers then probably I can match the "forwarding number" and allow teh caller to leave message for that extension. or Multiple call handlers for multiple users.

I'm even more confused by what you mean here - so are some other folks here.

You should probably start by reviewing the "audiotext applications in Unity" paper on the Documents page of - it goes into detail on how the calls flow through handlers, how one key rules work, transfer etc... this is probably the best place to start.

If I understand your question (which I don't think I do), you can use BulkEdit to set all the "2" keys for all subscriber greetings to "take message" - so when a caller hits a user's greeting they can press 2 to leave a message directly. You can also set this to "skip greeting" which will usually have the same effect since the after greeting action is by default "take message". "#" is mapped to this by default out of the box.

Default behaviour of Voice message script

(Attempt Forward) is

1."Take message"

2. Ask if the caller wants to dial any other extension

3. Else diconnect the call.

I want to change the default behavior of Attempt forward script to

1>Ask if the user wants to dial any other extension,

2>leave a voice mail


3>wait for operator.

Any suggesstions


There is no "voice message script" and there is no "attempt forward" script - this is part of why I'm having a very difficult time understanding what you're asking for.

I'll ask again that you read the document that I directed you to - I think it will clear up a lot of things for you since the terminology you're using indicates to me you're not clear on how calls are processed by Unity.

After you leave a message for a subscriber, the default behavior is to go to the "Say Goodbye" call handler - this handler asks if you want to dial another extension and if not it hangs up. You can change the behavior and the greeting for this call handler to do what you want, although I don't know what you mean by "leave a voice mail" - for who? They just left a message for a subscriber, after all. You can setup the Say Goodbye handler to take a message for a general mailbox or whoever if you want and map the 0 key to go to the operator (the operator call handler can be configured to hold if the line is busy if you want) - you can record the greeting of the Say Goodbye handler to voice the options you want.

Or do you want these options BEFORE the user leaves a message for a subscriber? This would require you force all subscriber greetings to offer these options, right?

Yep you're right, I want these options BEFORE the user leaves a message for a subscriber.

Any siggestions?



easy enough.

Set every subscriber's user input keys such that a key (i.e. "1") is set to "Take message" and set the after greeting action to goto the say goodbye call handler (which hangs up on them nicely). So during the greeting they can press 1 to leave a message for the subscriber and if they do nothing it'll hang up on them. You can be nice and have the greeting repeat once if you want.

For dialing the extension, you can either allow it directly from the greeting (i.e. they dial it on the spot) or you can map another key (say "2") to go to a call handler that lets them dial any extension directly - probably easier to just let them dial it on the spot.

Every subscriber's greeting will have to voice this option, of course. If folks are going to record their own greetings they'll need to remember to mention this - if not you can apply your own "system" greeting to everyone's box if you like using the latest BulkEdit tool - you record a WAV file and apply it as a greeting for any number of selected users/handlers - you can record a greeting that sounds like you want and apply it to everyone.

You can also tack it onto the end of the subscriber's custom greeting by editing the "You can record your message after the tone, stay on the line for further options" prompt - however this is right at the end and it wouldn't give the caller much time to react - if you go this route it'd be a real good idea to repeat the greeting at least once to give the caller a fair shot at it. You can set the repeat times via BulkEdit as well.

I did this for one subscriber and was looking for a single rule to do it for all the subscribers.

I was missing out BULK EDIT TOOL.

Thank you very much.