11-01-2012 11:59 AM - edited 03-19-2019 05:49 AM
I'm trying to set backup for some cue.
It's cue 8.6.4 on ISM-SRE-300-K9.
I've made some test sftp server based on FreeBSD.
I tested how it works from FreeBSD console and by winscp.
It works fine
mgmt-u# sftp sftp@
Connected to
sftp> ls
sftp> exit
Then configured it on cue
cue(config)# backup server url sftp:// username sftp password secret_here
Then pull ssl keys
cue(config)# backup server authenticate
The fingerprint of host (key type ssh-rsa) is:
Do you want to accept it? [confirm]y
Then tried to make backup I got Error.
When I check sftp server I see the error:
error: PAM: authentication error for sftp from
When I check trace on cue. I see
2724 11/02 03:31:04.919 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfigSysdbcommit"
2723 11/02 03:31:24.830 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2723 11/02 03:31:24.830 BackupRestore BackupRestore -1 BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2722 11/02 03:31:24.831 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2722 11/02 03:31:24.831 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2724 11/02 03:31:24.831 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2724 11/02 03:31:24.831 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2722 11/02 03:31:26.662 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerConfigured
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerConfigured, url:sftp:// user:sftp password:****
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" ServerConfig: getServer (sftp://,sftp,***)
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in ServerConfig"
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfig"
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" out isServerConfigured, backup server configured
2722 11/02 03:31:26.663 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable
2722 11/02 03:31:26.664 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, url:sftp:// user:sftp password:****
2722 11/02 03:31:26.664 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" ServerConfig: getServer (sftp://,sftp,***)
2722 11/02 03:31:26.664 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in ServerConfig"
2722 11/02 03:31:26.664 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfig"
2722 11/02 03:31:26.664 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" SFTPServerConfig: in initContext
2722 11/02 03:31:26.676 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: pwd
2722 11/02 03:31:30.557 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" sftp: Permission denied.
2722 11/02 03:31:30.557 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
2722 11/02 03:31:30.558 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: bye
2722 11/02 03:31:30.559 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, Unable to reach backup server
2722 11/02 03:31:30.559 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" history sysdbprovider: backup server unreachable
2724 11/02 03:31:30.565 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2724 11/02 03:31:30.565 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2725 11/02 03:31:30.566 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2725 11/02 03:31:30.566 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
Is it bug?
11-01-2012 11:49 PM
Backup & restore works fine on 8.6.4 using SFTP. From your CUE traces, I see the permission denied by the server.
2722 11/02 03:31:30.557 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" sftp: Permission denied
Can you please confirm if the password is configured correct and the server is not denying the request from the CUE?
11-09-2012 03:33 PM
I'm pretty sure about correct passwords.
I've just changed password. Then checked this password by my sftp client - works fine.
Then with sftp console utility - works fine
mgmt-u# passwd sftp
Changing local password for sftp
New Password:
Retype New Password:
mgmt-u# sftp sftp@
Connected to
sftp> quit
Then change sftp password in cue configuration, then backup server authen
Then next try and I got
cue-japan# show trace
BackupRestore BackupRestore 0000001f
atrace.log disabled
cue-japan# show trace buffer tail
2645 11/10 08:22:33.571 LIC DBG 0 DBG: :Process(3068349328) :VLSsetTraceLevel, Line : 84
( 1 )
2707 11/10 08:23:38.253 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerConfigured
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerConfigured, url:sftp:// user:sftp password:****
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" ServerConfig: getServer (sftp://,sftp,***)
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in ServerConfig"
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfig"
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" out isServerConfigured, backup server configured
2707 11/10 08:23:38.254 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable
2707 11/10 08:23:38.256 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, url:sftp:// user:sftp password:****
2707 11/10 08:23:38.256 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" ServerConfig: getServer (sftp://,sftp,***)
2707 11/10 08:23:38.256 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in ServerConfig"
2707 11/10 08:23:38.256 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfig"
2707 11/10 08:23:38.256 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" SFTPServerConfig: in initContext
2707 11/10 08:23:38.274 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: pwd
2707 11/10 08:23:42.173 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" sftp: Permission denied.
2707 11/10 08:23:42.173 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
2707 11/10 08:23:42.173 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: bye
2707 11/10 08:23:42.175 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, Unable to reach backup server
2707 11/10 08:23:42.175 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" history sysdbprovider: backup server unreachable
2703 11/10 08:23:42.182 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2703 11/10 08:23:42.182 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2704 11/10 08:23:42.183 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2704 11/10 08:23:42.183 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
2706 11/10 08:23:51.376 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in BackupNodeSysdbcheck"
2706 11/10 08:23:51.376 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out BackupNodeSysdbcheck OK"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in BackupNodeSysdbcommit"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" backupnodesysdbprovider: COMMIT category_list: Configuration Data HistoricalData:0
2703 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out BackupNodeSysdbcommit"
2704 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in BackupNodeSysdbcheck"
2704 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out BackupNodeSysdbcheck OK"
2707 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in BackupNodeSysdbcommit"
2707 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" backupnodesysdbprovider: COMMIT description:
2707 11/10 08:23:51.377 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out BackupNodeSysdbcommit"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.378 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in BackupNodeSysdbcheck"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.378 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" enter issystem rebooting
2703 11/10 08:23:51.378 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" leave issystem rebooting
2703 11/10 08:23:51.378 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in isSystemOffline"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.379 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out isSystemOffline"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.379 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable
2703 11/10 08:23:51.380 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, url:sftp:// user:sftp password:****
2703 11/10 08:23:51.380 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" ServerConfig: getServer (sftp://,sftp,***)
2703 11/10 08:23:51.380 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in ServerConfig"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.380 BackupRestore BackupRestore "out ServerConfig"
2703 11/10 08:23:51.380 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" SFTPServerConfig: in initContext
2703 11/10 08:23:51.387 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: pwd
2703 11/10 08:23:55.310 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" sftp: Permission denied.
2703 11/10 08:23:55.310 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer
2703 11/10 08:23:55.311 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" doSFTPCommand: bye
2703 11/10 08:23:55.312 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" in isServerReachable, Unable to reach backup server
2703 11/10 08:23:55.312 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" backup sysdbprovider: backup server unreachable
2707 11/10 08:23:55.321 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: Backupsysdbnode get
2707 11/10 08:23:55.321 BackupRestore BackupRestore "in SysdbConfigInterfaceImpl" BackupRestore: done Backupsysdbnode get, val:
Also checked sftp backup for cue 7.0.5, 7.0.6 (nm-cue, nme-cue). When I do backup server authen I get "
cue-swiss(config)# backup server authenticate
read error from ssh client
So it looks like sftp backup doesn't work at all.
11-16-2012 03:51 AM
I personally tested it on an ISM module running version 8.6.4. I could successfully take a backup and restore the same using SFTP, so I can say for sure that SFTP backup works fine. Make sure that there is no firewall blocking the access.
11-16-2012 09:06 AM
Hi Rajmohan,
What sftp server and server version are you using?
11-18-2012 09:02 PM
OpenSSH_3.5p1 on redhat.
02-03-2014 01:08 AM
This just happened to me.
I have an STFP Server, which I reinstalled for whatever reasons and then the backup stopped working. The SFTP Server showed that the connection closed by the peer.
2014.02.03 08:59:04 - Connection closed by [10.X.X.X [preauth]
It just occured to me that during the reinstallation of the SFTP client that the SSH keys for the server must of been recreated. I typed in "backup server authenticate" within the CUE CLI and I was prompted to accept the keys from my SFTP server. Now I have a working backup!!
I know this is an old post, just thought it might be helpful for someone out there as this posted helped me realise it was a problem with my SSH keys.
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