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CUPS 8 Calender Integration to Exchange

Level 1
Level 1

I am trying to integrate CUPS with outlook calender (Exchange 2007)

I configured a presence gateway for Exchange Server (type outlook) and uploaded the certificate chain. From CUPS point of view everything is "green".

System troubleshooter is also "green" with a few restrictions:

Problems reported with:

     IPPM application username/password                            ->  I do not use IPPM

     Verify that MeetingPlace is properly configured               ->  not used at the moment

     Verify Third Party Client LDAP Connection Information     ->  not sure, but I think we don´t neet it. It was working some times ago. Problem perhaps caused through new certificates for tomcat

In CUPC I can´t see any calender entries stored in outlook.

The log settings for the presence engine has been set to debug level, but nothing to see but

"12:08:30.992 | 1112026 WARNING package table entry missing for: calendar.winfo"

Has this to say anything?

This is the only information I can see.

No entry with the FQDN of the Exchange (OWA) server ore something like this

Has anybody any suggestions

Best regards


6 Replies 6

Md Hasan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


All of the errors showing up is not related to CUPS Exchange Integration.

Please follow the doc step by step

Summary -

1) Configure an AD account with email to have "View only Administrator" and "Receive-as" permission.

2) Make sure from Exchange Management Shell that the account is setup right (in the above link)

3) Configure CUPS outlook gateway if they are already green - it should be ok except for the followings

     - If the CN of the outlok cert (Self cert) or root CA Cert (in case cert is signed by 3rd party) needs to have CA bit set (Bug: CSCsq64034)

     - SAN (Subject Alternative Name) cert is not supported (bug: CSCti65997)

     - for Account Name on outlook gateway use "domain\userid" format

4) Restart the Presence Engine service and take presence engine log in detailed level using RTMT and look for "" - it will show at what state it is stuck



am I wrong or is the link the wrong one? It describes CUPS OSC integration but not CUPS Exchange Calendar integration.


  • Where can I see if "CA bit"has been set (bug: CSCsq64034)?
  • Where can I see if  "SAN (Subject Alternative Name) cert" is set (bug: CSCti65997)?

From somebody else I was told to check the localization of my Calendar. Exchange or Outlook calendar name is "Kalender" (german). Per default CUPS assumes an english "Calendar". I know how to read and write the SQL config for a 7.x CUPS, but this doesn´t work for my 8.x installation.

Best regards



Here is the right link:

CA bit set can be found by opening up the root cert (you can do https:///owa or https:///exchange depending on exchange 2003 or 2007) from IE.On the root cert or the exchange cert - if it is self-signed and then go to "Details" tab and then go to  Basic Constrains: Subject Type = CA.

if the CN on the cert matches the the exchange url on owa gateway it is ok. but if it matches Subject Alternative Name on the Details page it will not work.


The issue with the Kalender vs Calender was an old bug on CUPS 6. CUPS 8 should not see this bug. There is however a new bug but that on Japanease CSCtg70420

Please take a look at the Presence Engine log as to where it is failing.


I have a cert chain consisting of 3 certificates.

  1. Geotrust.crt
  2. TrustCenter.crt
  3. owa.crt

Because Geotrust is my root rertificate I understood that "Basic Constrains" schould be "CA" in this certificate

For Geotrust.crt:

     Basic Constrains: Subject Type = CA.

CN of OWA cert

Configuration Exchange Gateway in CUPS:

I believe that everything meets the requirements you have mentioned.

I will go on and have a look at the PE traces.

Best regards


looks ok so far. Make sure GeoTrust and TrustCenter certs are uploaded to cups.
