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DRS failure

Level 1
Level 1

Hello colleagues! I've got an issue with DRS system which doesn't want to work correctly. During the backup procedure the Master Agent sometimes get stuck at TFTP  stage or can't even connect to subscriber showing 

Status:  Local Agent is not responding. 
This may be due to Master or Local Agent being down.

This behaviour happens every time in various  manner. For instance, sometimes it might be sub1 or sub2 or even pub. 

I've already tried

Restart Master and Local Agents

Regenerate ipsec certificates, Tomcat certs are valid

Restart the whole cluster

Check connection between nodes in cluster with ping even with size 1500

Check time among all nodes


Here are traces from pub and sub which were involved in the last iteration. 

I would strongly appreciate if someone could help with that problem. 


4 Replies 4

IPsec certificates are valid on all servers ?  After regenerating the certificates have you restarted the Local and Master ? 




I can see [CUCM-SUB1] has disconnected during backup. Is there a network issue ? Is there a firewall in between the PUB and SUB ?





Response Signature

After certificate regeneration I restarted all these services. IPsec cert are valid, all subs have correct pub-cert in their trust storages.  

There is no Firewall between pub and sub. Be the way same problem sometimes happens between pub and sub which are located in the same vlan.

Vaijanath Sonvane
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


Do you have enough disk space on common partition of all CUCM servers? You can check it by using show status command. 



Please rate helpful posts and if applicable mark "Accept as a Solution".
Thanks, Vaijanath S.

Hello! From my point of view, the storage is ok

Host Name          : cucm-pub0

Date               : Срд Окт 13, 2021 10:17:46

Time Zone          : Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow)

Locale             : ru_RU.UTF-8

Product Ver        :

Unified OS Version :



 10:17:47 up 18 days,  2:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.86, 0.80, 0.62


CPU Idle:       0%  System:       0%    User:       0%

  IOWAIT:       0%     IRQ:       0%    Soft:       0%


Memory Total:        8062528K

        Free:         283928K

        Used:        7778600K

      Cached:        3141016K

      Shared:         509848K

     Buffers:         310064K


                        Total            Free            Used

Disk/active         19805456K        6738996K       12863916K (66%)

Disk/inactive       19805456K       18747728K          44992K (1%)

Disk/logging        69235192K       42232452K       23479108K (36%)


Host Name          : cucm-sub0

Date               : Срд Окт 13, 2021 10:19:23

Time Zone          : Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow)

Locale             : ru_RU.UTF-8

Product Ver        :

Unified OS Version :



 10:19:25 up 18 days,  2:32,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.11, 0.12


CPU Idle:       0%  System:       0%    User:       0%

  IOWAIT:       0%     IRQ:       0%    Soft:       0%


Memory Total:        8062528K

        Free:         174992K

        Used:        7887536K

      Cached:        4528612K

      Shared:         320348K

     Buffers:         295228K


                        Total            Free            Used

Disk/active         19805456K        6810928K       12791984K (66%)

Disk/inactive       19805456K       18747728K          44992K (1%)

Disk/logging        69235192K       49548264K       16163296K (25%)


Host Name          : cucm-sub1

Date               : Срд Окт 13, 2021 10:20:13

Time Zone          : Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow)

Locale             : ru_RU.UTF-8

Product Ver        :

Unified OS Version :



 10:20:15 up 18 days,  1:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.35, 0.14, 0.06


CPU Idle:       0%  System:       0%    User:       0%

  IOWAIT:       0%     IRQ:       0%    Soft:       0%


Memory Total:        8062596K

        Free:         180408K

        Used:        7882188K

      Cached:        4384984K

      Shared:         322900K

     Buffers:         312276K


                        Total            Free            Used

Disk/active         19805456K        6787664K       12815248K (66%)

Disk/inactive       19805456K       18747728K          44992K (1%)

Disk/logging        69235192K       47094440K       18617120K (29%)


Host Name          : cucm-sub2

Date               : Срд Окт 13, 2021 10:21:12

Time Zone          : Moscow Standard Time (Europe/Moscow)

Locale             : ru_RU.UTF-8

Product Ver        :

Unified OS Version :



 10:21:14 up 18 days,  2:08,  1 user,  load average: 0.64, 0.40, 0.36


CPU Idle:       0%  System:       0%    User:       0%

  IOWAIT:       0%     IRQ:       0%    Soft:       0%


Memory Total:        5994128K

        Free:         143312K

        Used:        5850816K

      Cached:        2515340K

      Shared:         283412K

     Buffers:         181816K


                        Total            Free            Used

Disk/active         19805456K        6797404K       12805508K (66%)

Disk/inactive       19805456K       18747728K          44992K (1%)

Disk/logging        69235192K       48439996K       17271564K (27%


admin:utils network ping cucm-sub0

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.257 ms


Error running command: 


Control-C pressed


admin:utils network ping cucm-sub1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=60 time=58.7 ms


Error running command: 


Control-C pressed


admin:utils network ping cucm-sub2

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=2.17 ms


Error running command: 


Control-C pressed