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Owner User ID - Clearing up licensing!

Level 3
Level 3

Hi All,

I thought I'd share my recent experience trying to clear up the licensing on our CUCM estate.  We had a LOT of stuff all over the place, some users with 50 CSF assigned, some with 50 SEP Phones, I dont know how it got this way but I was tasked with fixing it.

Cisco Device Assignment tool was designed for this purpose, but I found it didnt work quite right.

There is an option to "Match by controlled device" in the tool, which in my view should have told me what devices users had associated with their end user and allowed you to associate owner user ID based on that.  However, running the query gave me 400 sucessful results out of over 7000 devices, and we definitely have the association correct at this level - so that didn't work right for me.

What I ended up doing was using a combination of sql queries to return the data I Wanted, and building the spreadsheet that device assignent tool uses based off of that list in order to make the associations.

1) Using bulk admin tool, update phones by query. I used "Device type begins with CSF or SEP" and I set the owner user ID to none. (I actually only did this to make DAT Work, you may not have to)

2) Log terminal output and run the SQL Command

run sql select, eu.userid,, datetimestamp from extensionmobilitydynamic emd, device d, device p, enduser eu where emd.fkdevice=d.pkid and emd.fkdevice_currentloginprofile=p.pkid and emd.fkenduser=eu.pkid

This shows you which phones are logged into using extension mobility by which user ID's currently.  Use the output of this to build your user to deskphone to owner user ID Association.

3) Now run the command

run sql select eu.userid,, d.description from device d, enduser eu, enduserdevicemap eud where d.pkid=eud.fkdevice and eu.pkid=eud.fkenduser

This shows you which devices are associated with which end users.  So if a user has a CSF and a TCT device as a controlled device, they will show up here. Use this to build your end device to owner user ID association

You should now have enough information to push into a spreadsheet to build new associations to make sure all devices are associated as they should be based on controlled device (For CSF, TAB, BOT, TCT etc) and also the phone the user is logged into for extension mobility.

After this, you will just need to go through the remainder manually.

Use the above at your own risk, whether or not this is appropriate for you depends entirely on your licensing estate and call manager version. This worked on 9.1.2 but later versions the DB may have changed, I am not sure.  Make sure you fully understand Cisco's licensing model and you are sure whether or not you comply with it as there is no way back after this and I cannot support you!! (Save for restoring a DRS backup)

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1
Brilliant thank you for this post!