I want to upload over 350 route patterns using BAT Tool in CUCM 9.1. All patterns must have their Called Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) Field containing 10 numbers with the number "0" at the begining. The Problem is the CSV file removes the leading "0" form the digits. I tried to make the cell type in Excel as "Text" and it worked and the "0" is kept normally, but when I save and close the file then open it again, the cell is defaulted to "General" type and the "0" is disappeared again! Changing the CSV file format to any other one and uploading it to CUCM system generates an error stating that the file format is not supported.
Attached is a sample entry of the CSV file. I want to preserve the whole number "0541234567" in "PREFIX_DIGITS_CALLED_PARTY" Field.
Anyone can help me how to upload this big number of route patterns while preserving the number "0" at the begining?