Back to speech connect again!
1. does anyone know of a keystroke for a user to swap between voice commands and keystroke commands - appreciate that a user can turn it on and off by using CiscoPCA preferences. So if the sytem just can't recognise what I am saying can i enter a key that will change me back to using keystoke input commands?
2. does anyone know if its possible to get a UK English version for 7.x?
3. appreciate the guest licenses are used to locate someone thats not got a unity account and these are created as contacts, is that right? So without the Guest license I can still call a system or personal contact anyway, so why do we need to add the license and how are the guest licenses policed is this just a trust thing with Cisco? Perhaps the Guest license users are not system contacts but some other user (perhaps I've missed something somewhere - not much documentation on this for connection??). I am creating contacts for speech connect using SP_ alias so that we can track the licenses used , anyone used any other method, please share.