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Trouble with Unity Connection and LDAP

Fred Rawlings
Level 1
Level 1

Our CUCM 8.6 is currently integrated with LDAP, this was done before I started with the company, I'm working on getting the CUC integrated as well, but I keep getting the following error message:

Error while Connecting to ldap://xx.xx.xx.xx:389, null   

I took the exact same settings that was used on the cucm (the LDAP syncs fine with CUCM)  


LDAP Configuration name: ActiveDirectory

LDAP Manager Distinguished Name:

LDAP Password: *******

LDAP User Search Base: DC=xyz,DC=net

User ID: sAMAccountName

Middle Name: middleName

Manage ID: manager

phone number: ipPhone

First name: givenName

Last Name: sn

Department: department

Mail ID: mail

User ID: sAMAccountName
Middle Name: middleName
Manage ID: manager
phone number: ipPhone
First name: givenName
Last Name: sn
Department: department
Mail ID: mail    

Any ideas what could be causing that error? I've ran into this before somewhere but was able to figure out that it was something with the way I had put in the OU..This time I'm really I have not idea, especially since I took the settings from the LDAP setup in CUCM. 

5 Replies 5

Leonardo Santana

From CUC you have connectivity with the LDAP Server?

Take a look on this discussion it might help you


Leonardo Santana

What are you using for a Search Base string?

What are you using for a Search Base string?

What are you using for a Search Base string?

Leonardo Santana

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Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Is DirSync service running on CUC?

Are you sure the CUCM synch is still working? Simply test would be to login to CUCM, go to LDAP directory and press Save button there, if it comes back with sucessful update it works, if it came back with the same error it does not.

Can you post screen shots of from both systems for comparison?


Hi Chris,

Yes I'm sure the sync is still working, I've went into CUCM and did a full sync and it was successful, I also hit save and that was successful as well, that was the first thing I did just to make sure it was working, I was thinking like you that maybe it wasn't working properly ...I'll take some screen shots and post shortly


Here's a screenshot of both CUCM and CUC

Message was edited by: Fred Rawlings

Well  after going on some docs, I found that ldapquery password was missing a character....All is well now, I was able to configure and update successfully.

Thanks for letting us know Fred.

HTH, please rata all useful posts!
